chapter 5

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"And the square root of that is..." Harry began to bite the tip of his pencil. "14?"

"Its's 10 pi," I whispered to him. He rolled his eyes and faced the teacher. "10 pi," he said. "I knew that," he whispered.

I couldn't help being a nerd. I took all honors classes and was in the most advanced classes. The only thing i didn't advance in was math. i promised harry i'd stay in geometry so he wouldnt be alone with all the dumbys. After getting to meet Zayn i realized all the other times hes appeared in my life. We both were on the archery team and we both took honors classes. He had always been in the back of the room.

After the teacher turned around Harry threw an eraser at me to get my attention. I turned around to him. He was wearing a hoodie. "You still tutoring that di-"

"Ah, Harry, language,"

I always bugged him about that and i knew it pissed him off.

"Diphead," he said, pronouncing each syllable. "He didn't ask for anymore lessons," I say, twirling a lock of hair.

"Don't" he simply said.

The next period was really weird. I was moved next to a cocky cheerleader, and Zayn was right beside her.

Right away my annoying teacher began to ask questions about the book we had just read. "Well, Peter finds this girl in a tide," I slowly try to summarize the story. I was a pro at this and was used to giving out the answers. "And he finds out the-"

"Actually he didn't find her in a tide,"

I was surprised to see someone interupt. nobody ever volunteered to give and answer in this class. i whipped my head to the side and saw Zayn give me a pesky smirk. Now he suddenly talks in class?

"He found her in a waterfall. Niagara falls to be exact," Zayn straightened his glasses and looked at me.

"Thats right Zayn, now Mary what happened when Peter finds the ax?"

I turn to Zayn. "Since when have you participated in class?"

"I knew the right answer."

"Why can't you just be nice? i tutor you and your mean towards my friends,"

i felt bad shifting the subject but i really needed to let it out.

"Why can't you quit trying. Look my mom made me set up the tutor. I don't want to be friends with you or anything,"

I huffed and stared at the front of the class, trying to concentrate. But i couldnt. I could feel Zayn staring into my soul. I wished he would stop. i couldnt handle being stared at.

"Can you stop??"

I said this way louder then I thought i did. Right away my face turned bright red and hot. Ms. Jason stared at me and I could obviously tell she was in a bad mood. This was just the beginning of Zayn getting on my nerves. But it didn't end there. It was even worse in science.

We didn't get chosen as lab partners. But he refused to work with the person he was with. I knew why. He was paired with Jeffrey. The kid who still got driven to school by his mom, and still has an imaginary friend. Teachers say he's creative but i know that kids messed up. I could see Zayn kindly talking to the teacher. I couldn't hear his excuse, but he ended up being paired with me.

I began to study the blue liquids in the tube next to me as Zayn took notes on the reactions.

Zayn every few seconds would just look at me, stop, then look at me again. After a while i finally said. "You know, being nice to people probably would help,"

"Help what?"

"You make friends,"

Zayn reached his hand to adjust his earring and groaned, "And you would know how to make friends? Your friends with a doof who doesn't know his left from his right,"

"At least Harry can socialize with people," I looked up at him with hatred. It really irritated me. I was here losing my temper with this boy, really wondering what his deal was, and he showed no emotion in his voice or face whatsoever. It was quiet for a while and the only sounds were me pouring the liquids and Zayn clicking his tongue and whistling ever so ofter

"Your doing it wrong," he finally said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right,"

"Well your not!" He leaned over to swipe the flask from me. I swung my arm back, shocked he would snatch so quick, and i hadn't realized my arm had bumped the test tube equipment. All the chemicals and test tubes came crashing to the ground, and all the students jumped back. I couldn't believe what a mess I had made.


Me and Zayn began to clean up the glass on the floor and mop up the burning chemicals. We had earned a detention for "goofing off" I had never gotton a detention.

"It's your fault," Zayn suddenly said.

"How can you be so immature? Its not only my fault?" I said this through gritted teeth. Zayn didn't reply and began to scrub at the ground. After i had cooled off and gained myself again, I finally asked,

"Do you have any silblings?" Wow I was awkward. I was supposed to hate this guy. Zayn didn't answer for a while, and began to bag up the glass pieces.

Finally he said, "I have a brother who graduated last year,"

i nodded and tryed to think of other things to ask. The silence was killing me, and I was almost a little happy to hear him actually answer me in a decent tone.

"How long have you lived here," Zayn gave me a strange look. I was kind of startled by it because I wasnt used to seeing him change emotions often.

"About a year and a half. I used to live in Chicago. My dad made us move for some business. I hate him though. He's a total asshole,"

I smiled at the way he said it. He actually sounded eager to answer the question. "I've lived here my whole life," I said, "I couldn't imagine living anywhere else,"

Zayn snorted and began to dry the floor with paper towels. "You enjoy the ragweed and hay giving you ashtma attacks?"

"I never get allergies. I love it outside here,"

"Oh. Well I have asthma so.."

I wouldnt call this bonding. I would call it passing time with nonsense questions.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," he said removing his gloves.

"We missed a whole area," I whined, knowing that he would leave me to do it all

"Well I'm hungry so I'm leaving," he walked down the hallway and put on his hood. I sat on the floor looking at the pink mess.

Zayns head peeked into the doorway suddenly. "You can come if you want,"

Was he inviting me for dinner with him? Why would i join him after all he did?

"Sure," I agreed and jumped up. Honestly, i didn't care how rude he was. i was just glad he was making a nice request, and i needed to take advantage of it.

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