chapter 18

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“Kimmy? Kimmyboo?”


“Shut up you’re the one who hurt her,”

“I would never hurt her,”


I awoke to see Harry by my bedside. “Harry?”

“You blacked out,”

“Harry, where’s Zayn?”

“I’m right here,” Zayn was sitting on the other side of me.

“I’m so sorry this happened,” Zayn quietly said.

“I am too,” Harry mumbled.

I sat straight up and eyed both boys.

“I don’t believe you,” I looked at both boys. “If you two were really sorry, you would’ve made up by now,”

I crossed my arms and looked at Zayn who was snickering.

 “Fine. Harry I am ever so sorry,” he said this in the weirdest tone ever, and Harry repeated it.

 Then Harry left with a satisfied nod. I was really hoping that fixed our friendship. Zayn then got into my bed with me. “I’m sorry I punched your best friend,”

I half smiled and leaned up against his chest. “And?”

“Took you out of school,”


Zayn then grabbed my face and kissed me, and wouldn’t let go.  I grabbed onto his shirt and he reached for the back of my neck. He ran my hands through my hair and before we could go farther, Zayn suddenly pulled away with great force. He then began to cough violently, and I sat up, instantly worried.


He went into another fit of coughing, and then finally calmed down. “I think I’m making myself sick,”

“Zayn, your always under so much stress. You need to cool off,”

“I will never cool off Kimmy,” he ran reached out to touch my hair. “You know who I am now. You’ve figured me out.  But life really isn’t worth living,”

“But Zayn, it is. I’m here,”

“I know you are.” He sighed a bit. “Thank you,”


 Zayn went to school the next day. He didn’t talk, but he went to school. Nobody talked to me either, apparently a rumor was going around saying we ran way together and he got me pregnant. The school got me so angry sometimes. I tried to just hang by Zayn’s locker most of the day, but then, at last period, somebody joined us at the locker. It was Calum. “Hi, Kimberly,” Calum waved to me and I turned to him. “Oh, hi Calum,”

“Just because we’re not dating, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. You know that Kim,”

“I know Cal. I’ve just been really busy lately.” I stuffed my hands into my pocket and turned to Zayn who was whistling.

“Besides, I really want you to meet my girlfriend, Kim, I think you’ll love her.” Calum suddenly grabbed somebody’s hand from behind the corner, and pulled them over to Zayn’s locker.

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