chapter 17

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  It was really hard to keep me and Zayn’s little relationship a secret from Harry. We tried to keep him the least suspicious. Zayn would throw a few rude comments to me when he came to visit. But he still didn’t go to school. I had no idea why. I guess he just didn’t want to get stressed out. I hated keeping such a big secret from Harry. But if Harry knew, he may begin to treat me differently.


 First period had been misery. I disliked everyone in that class, and missed Zayn sitting a row down. There also was a new girl who I couldn’t stop looking back at. She was just so perfect. It wasn’t physically possible for someone to be that pretty. She had long auburn hair that went down to her waist, and was wavy and smooth. She had high cheekbones and pink cheeks. Her eyes were brown, but the pretty caramel colored brown. Her lips were full and pink and she wore absolutely no makeup whatsoever. She was so pale; she almost looked ghostly if she didn’t have such pink cheeks.  Harry described her as a “smoking babe.” I decided to try to be nice and approach her. I wasn’t so much intimidated by her, because she seemed just as quiet is me.

“Hi,” I approached her at lunch.

“Hi, I’m Tori. Who’re you?”

“Kimberly,” I said, still standing. “You liking the school so far?”

Tori gave me a sweet smile, and her response surprised me.

“Nope, I hate it,”


“I don’t like anybody here. He’s not here,” she began to bite into her burger, and I cocked my head.

“Who’s he?”

She continued to eat, and I figured she just didn’t hear me. I slowly walked back to my table and saw Harry, beginning to eat off my lunch tray. “Ya dork, get off my food,” I nudged him and he laughed.

“Okay, now can we talk?”

“Sure Harry. What about?”


I shut my eyes and put my elbows on the table.

“We’re supposed to tell each other everything right”

“Of course.”

“Then why do you seem to tell Zayn so much? I feel like you two are keeping secrets from me. I already know that he doesn’t like me,”

Harry sounded serious when he said this. I bit my lip and grabbed his hand. “Harry, we’re not keeping anything from you. I would never do that. Harry you’re my best friend and I love you,”

Harry smiled and hugged me. “Ok. I believe you,”

After lunch, I ran to the bathroom. I sat in the stall, feeling hot tears run down my face. I hated lying. I hated it. And I’ve started to make it a habit. A terrible habit.



Zayn began to cough uncontrollably and I looked at him in concern. “Zayn, your lungs are weak. You really need to tone down on the smoking,”

“I’m fine Kim. Now what is it you wanted to show me?”

I held up a guitar and handed it to him. “You got me a new guitar?”

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