chapter 9

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“Okay, so start off by pushing off the board with one foot,” He handed me a purple skateboard, as he got onto his green skateboard. It had designs and fire prints on it. “Did you design that skateboard yourself?” I asked. “Yeah I did,”

“Why is this skate park here in the first place?” Zayn began to push off his skateboard and slid across the surface, gliding up and down. He was amazing. “Well, my parents got someone to put one here to give me something to do. When we moved, it was the least they could do,”

I was having mixed emotions about Zayn’s parents. He described them like they were terrible people, but they sounded like they did so much for him. “You, you wouldn’t understand,” Zayn slowed down his pace and motioned me to get on the board. I immediantly stood on it and began to push off, but ended up sliding around like a scooter. We stayed at the skatepark for a while, until I had checked my watch. It was 8 o’clock. “Crap,” I sputtered. “What’s wrong?” Zayn asked. He had never asked me what was wrong so it sounded weird coming from him. “I’m late for what I was supposed to be going to,” I didn’t want to bring up the party.

“It’s the party isn’t it? I can drop you off if you really want that,” Zayn stared at me blankly and tossed his skateboard on the floor. “Thanks,”

  Zayn and I got in the car and he rode me to the party. I almost invited him but then remembered what Michael had said. “Thank you, Zayn.” I smiled at him and opened the car door to leave. “You were very kind for doing this,” I leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. I closed the door and saw his face changed from a blank expression to a surprised expression. He drove away quickly, but was still looking back at me. Why did I kiss him? There was really no need to.. I shook my head and decided to forget about it. I needed to enjoy this party. I needed to hang with Michael. It was my only chance. I walked in to see Harry standing right next to the door. “Kimmy!” he ran up to me and grabbed my braid. “I thought you would be home so we could drive here together. You were  with Zayn ALL day?”

“I lost track of time,” I pulled his hand off my hair. He was wearing nice checkered shirt and jeans. His hair was slicked back a bit with gel. “Sorry, Haz, I’ll make it up to you,” He gave me a pouty face, “I forgive you. As long as you buy me 3 tubs of Cookie Dough ice cream,” I grinned and pinched him, “Deal,” I saw almost everybody from the school, and immediantly felt nervous. I hated being around so many people, when we weren’t in school. I felt like I was being judged.

“Hey Kimberly,” I turned around to see Michael tapping on my back. “Hi Michael,” His hair was now back to his natural blonde and he had on a white button up top with faded jeans. “How’s the party? Cal and I stayed up today decorating,” “It’s great,” I say, blushing. I wasn’t used to his face being so close to mine. He was a very pale color and had peachy cheeks. He was just perfect. “You look nice” Michael smiled and laughed a little. I looked down and gasped, I hadn’t even changed since I was with Zayn. I looked around and saw all the girls were wearing sparkly New Years dresses. No wonder all the girls were staring at me. I was wearing jeans.

  “Oh my gosh I forgot to change,” I said. Why did I say that out loud. “It’s okay, you look gorgeous,” I looked up in disbelief that Michael had called me gorgeous, but realized it was Calum. “Thanks,” I say twirling a piece of hair. “It’s nice. This party. How much longer till countdown?” “15 minutes,” Calum read his watch.

 It was my time. To make a move on Michael. And maybe even get his kiss at 12:00. “Um, Michael I was wondering,” Harry suddenly popped up next to me. Oh great, he was going to, “SO HOW’D IT GO?” he began to get jumpy and grabbed my wrists. “Harry,” I nudged him. He turned to Michael who was patiently waiting for me to go on. “My bad,” Harry slowly slid away and joined the cheerleaders. “Would you like to go out to lunch tomorrow?” Michael smiled for a little bit, then frowned and looked at Calum. Was he going to say no? Don’t puke on him. Don’t puke on him. “Actually, could Calum come along?”

“Well that wouldn’t necessarily be a date,” Why did I just say that.

“I mean, I guess.’ Michael shrugged and nervously laughed. “I just thought Calum should join us,”

I just stared, not sure what to say. Did he not like me that way? He obviously didn’t want to be more then friends. I began to walk away to join Harry. I couldn’t do this anymore. I completely humiliated myself. “Just, forget it,” I walked away quickly but Michael touched my shoulder. “Listen, Kimberly. I like you. I really do. Just not like that. I like you as a friend. Calum is the one who really likes you. That’s why I keep trying to invite him,”

I just stared at the two boys, my face sweating.. Calum was nervously smiling and Michael was looking at the ground, as if embarrised for me. I couldn’t just stand there. I rushed to the bathroom. I felt light-headed. Calum liked me? I didn’t even realize it! How have I not? I’ve made a complete fool in front of Michael, trying to flirt with him, when he didn’t even have interest in me. I stuffed my face into the sink, trying to cool it off. Great now my makeup was running. I could hear Harry from the outside of the bathroom. “Kimmy? You in there?” I dried my face with one of Calum’s towels and peeked through the doorway. “Hi Harry,” “Are you ok?” He held his arms open for a hug, and I dove right in. I felt like this was déjà vu. Things like this always happened to me with my crushes, and Harry was always there with open arms to comfort me. Except this time, it was with my long time crush. Michael. Just as I began to let go of Harry, I heard a crash from Calum’s living room. I ran over quickly to see that the punch table was on the floor. A person was laying on the floor with punch all over him. I peered over to get a better look. Oh gosh. Why was he here? It was Zayn Malik. He had crashed the party. Literally.

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