chapter 16

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  “Hello?” I pushed the library door open and saw that it had no lights on, and was living off the natural light outside. “Zayn?” I peered around the library and peeked out a near window to see the skateramp. A skateboard was out, but he wasn’t there. As I began to open each door, I gasped. On the floor by me was a gun. A loaded gun. I gulped and held my breath.

  As I walked down the halls, I began to hear music. Beautiful music. I approached a door, and recognized it. It was the room Zayn had token me to. I pressed my face up against the door silently and listened in. Zayn was playing a beautiful song on his guitar, and was quietly singing along as well. I wanted to open the door, but decided to stay silent to hear the rest of the song. Suddenly, he paused in the middle of  the song. Shoot he caught me. As soon as I prepared to run, I heard him open a window. Then I heard him mumble, “It’s raining,” I sighed in relief.

 As soon as I leaned up against the door once more, I felt the doorknob slowly open. Before I  could catch myself,I fell flat on my face. I looked up to see Zayn staring down at me. Icould imagine all the things he could;ve said. “Why were you spying on me?” or “Why are you here?” But instead he simply said. “Hi, Kimberly,”

“Zayn,” I put my sweater sleeve up to my face, to cover my blushing cheeks. “That was absolutely amazing,”

“Thanks, I’ve gotten better,” Zayn stuffed his guitar pick in his pocket and licked his lips. I could see his facial hair was fully grown out, and he had gotten skinnier. His arm was now completely covered in tattoos and he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Why did you come here?” Zayn sniffled a bit, as if he had a cold.

“I came to see you,” I said this a bit more desperately than I had intended to. “Because you’re my friend. And I haven’t seen you in a month,”

Zayn placed his guitar on the table in the room and sat up to face me. “Apologize,”


Zayn rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the table. “If you’re my friend, then apologize. For being a liar, and a slut,”

“Slut? I’m not a slut,”

Zayn put his hand up to me, and shut his eyes. Great, he was being stubborn again.

“Fine. Zayn I’m… I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to tell you me and Calum were dating. I didn’t mean to be a jerk and lie to you,” I joined the couch and smiled at him. “And you can’t just leave school like this Zayn. It’s…  not right,”

“I didn’t leave school because of you. Or because of what happened,”

I raised my eyebrow and scooted a bit closer. “What happened?”

“My dad happened.” Zayn’s eyes were full of hatred and fury, and I scooted away a little. “We got in a fight. He came home drunk as hell again and I screamed at him because he was getting violent with my mom,” I nodded, in an understanding way, and began to put my hand on his lap to comfort him. He shooed it away and grit his teeth. “He told me to leave the house and I took all his bottles from the fridge and slammed them on the floor,”

“How was that a good idea?” I asked, pushing my hair back. “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking, okay?” he said in a defensive way. I began to get scared, and decided to let him finish his story.

“He decided to drive away,” Zayn coughed and put his hand to his forehead. “He was drunk, and crashed,”

Zayn looked at me strangely and I had realized my mouth was dropped open. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I began to reach out to hug him, but he stopped me. “Don’t be. I never wanted to see his face again.”

This time I reached over his shoulder for a hug, and he had no way of stopping it. I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck, and finally he gave in and hugged me back.

“I missed you too,” he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder. After a while, I realized we were full on snuggling on the couch. But I liked it. I missed being next to Zayn. And he needed me this time. He needed someone to be with him through everything.

“Zayn. You’re an amazing person,” I lifted my face to look up at him. “Don’t ever think otherwise,”

“I think you’re the only person to think that,” he breathed in my face, considering we were so close together. “People don’t know about you, Zayn. But that’s okay. I like that it’s me who you open up to,” I leaned over and kissed his nose, without even realizing it.

Zayn smirked and put his arms around my waist. “I can be your little secret,” he slid his hand across my cheek and touched his lips to mine. I kissed him back passionately. He tasted like bubble gum, and a hint of cigarette. Finally I pulled my lips away and began to smile. “We can be a secret. To the world,”


Okay so I had this chapter pre-written because i was so excited about it. sorry it's short but yeah. COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU SHIP ZIMMY:)

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