chapter 23

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I suddenly jumped up, around 6:00 and remembered that I had to meet up with Harry at 7. I was supposed to surprise and plan his 18th birthday party. How had I forgotten? I needed to order a cake, distract him from his house, and blow up balloons. It was a yearly occasion that I went all out on his birthday. As I began to get ready, I saw that Zayn was still asleep, and curled up in a ball. He looked really cute and calm sleeping and I really didn’t want to wake him. I dressed presentable, and began to order a chocolate cake from Graeters.

Then I shut the bedroom door and closed the blinds so Zayn could sleep, and not notice I had left. I began to walk to Harry’s house and tried to think of a way to get him to leave. I stood outside his house and called his number.

“Hello?” Harry said in his deep, groggy, morning voice.

“Harry! Can we meet up at err Chick fil a? I really need to tell you something,”

“I thought you hate Chick fil a?”

“I like it now okay? It’s an emergency so I need you to come,”

Harry sighed loudly and groaned, “Fine, whatever…”

He hung up and I watched him leave the house and get into his car, stumbling the whole way. I unlocked his door and ran in immediately. Quickly, I began to use food from his fridge, and make him little sandwiches. Harry wasn’t hard to please. I could bring in hot dogs, and blow up like 2 balloons and he would think it was the best party ever.

I began to get some ritz crackers and the squirtable cheese, and spelt out “Happy Birthday Harry!” using each cracker as a letter. I stepped back, pleased with my quick idea. I went into his room to find some party items. His room was such a mess I could barely get through the piles of clothes and boxes of pizza. I found some balloons in a storage box and began to blow them up. Franticly, I ran back to my house to get him his present I had been hiding for a month now. I had gotten him a nice watch and a cross necklace with our names on it. As I began to leave to bring it back to Harry’s house, I saw Zayn slowly walk down the stairs, rubbing his tired eyes.
“What’s going on?” he asked, yawning.

“I totally forgot it was Harry’s birthday and I’m trying to surprise him,” I said, hopping up and down.

“Do you need help or…?” Zayn mumbled.

“Could you go pick up the cake for me? Sorry if I’m asking too much, I’m just freaking out about this,” I begged, messing with the bracelet he had gotten me.

Zayn yawned and ran his hands through his messy hair. “Huh, fine,” he grabbed his converse and left the house, not bothering to change.

I squealed happily. I loved to see Harry’s reaction to the surprises I give. Harry never really threw like a party or anything. Usually I would just come over and we would bake cupcakes and bring up embarrassing stories about each other. I was hoping things stayed that way.

I placed the present on his counter and arranged a few balloons. Finally I got a call from Harry.

“Hi, Harry,”

“Where are you? Are you messing with me again?”

“I changed my mind. I would rather meet you at your house,”

Harry growled at me and hung up.

I laughed and patiently waited. Zayn opened the door with the cake and placed it on the counter. “So what exactly are we doing?”

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