Chapter 4

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9:24 pm
Joonie is now online

Joonie: Sneaking in the hearts already I see ;)

9:30 pm

Joonie: Jinnnnnnnnnn-hyung 👀

9:49 pm

Joonie: I'm bored where are you? :(

9:53 pm
Jinnie-hyung is now online

Joonie: JIN!!!! :D

Jinnie-hyung: Wow calm down man 😂 I was busy

Joonie: I was bored :(
Joonie: Kookie, Tae and Yoongi all fell asleep already and I can't sleep :')

Jinnie-hyung: It's really early... How can they even sleep right now?

Joonie: Well Kookie and Tae probably didn't get any sleep last night if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jinnie-hyung: I wish I didn't know what you mean.

Joonie: Hahahaha touche
Joonie: And Yoonji never misses an opportunity to sleep :)

Jinnie-hyung: Yoonji?

Joonie: Yoongi*
Joonie: He'd kill me if I knew I keep messing his name up today😅
Joonie: But what were you doing that was more important than replying to me? :p

Jinnie-hyung: Nothing really :p
Jinnie-hyung: Jk. I was skyping with 2 friends ^_^

Joonie: Ohhh cool! Are they handsome aswell?

Jinnie-hyung: Hahaha ehm yeh they are😂😅

Joonie: Give me their number? 😏

Jinnie-hyung: Ha ha ha ha no :(
Jinnie-hyung: I'd get jelous😩

Joonie: Of who...?😏

Jinnie-hyung: Of you cuz you'd steal my friends :(

Joonie: Are you saying I'm awesome enough to hang out with your friends? :0

Jinnie-hyung: You're a real bully 😓

Joonie: I know you love me💕

Jinnie-hyung: I just know you for like 7 hours 😑

Joonie: I see no denial😌

Jinnie-hyung: Go to sleep.

Joonie: No you see that's exactly the problem. I can't sleep. That's why I'm here :)

Jinnie-hyung: Ouch. So you wouldn't be talking to me if you weren't unable to sleep? :(

Joonie: Then I would've stayed up for you ;)

Jinnie-hyung: Cute. But I'm tired now

Joonie: You can't leave me!

Jinnie-hyung: Who says? :) I can just go offline :)

Joonie: You're not allowed to :)

Jinnie-hyung: From who?

Joonie: Me! 😊😊😊

Jinnie-hyung: And since when do I listen to you? 😑

Joonie: Well you never have but now might be the start of that? :) :) :)

Jinnie-hyung: In your dreams my friend😌

Joonie: Also, ouch... I just got friendzoned

Jinnie-hyung: Back off I have a girlfriend :)
Jinnie-hyung: Goodnight Joonie✨

10:30 pm
Jinnie-hyung went offline

Joonie: Wait really?
Joonie: Jin do you really have a girlfriend?
Joonie: Jin-hyung*
Joonie: Jin-oppa....?
Joonie: Don't leave me questioning!
Joonie: Ugh goodnight then :(
Joonie: Sleep well Jinnie-oppa🌸

10:34 pm
Joonie edited Jinnie-hyung's name to Jinnie-oppa

10:34 pm
Joonie went offline

12:04 am
Jinnie-oppa is now online

Jinnie-oppa: "Jinnie-oppa"? Seriously?
Jinnie-oppa: But no. I don't have a girlfriend. It was a joke :)
Jinnie-oppa: Why I'm awake you wonder? My dog somehow got the door to my room open and jumped on my bed giving me the worst fright😑
Jinnie-oppa: Also, my friend says you're hot. Goodnight✨

12:07 am
Jinnie-oppa went offline

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now