Chapter 24

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Hobi pulled him into a hug after Taehyung put his plate on the table.
"H-he didn't come h-home last n-night. He s-slept at Y-Yugyeom's p-place. I-I think t-they slept t-togther, Hobi-hyung."
Taehung sobbed loudly when he finally said out loud what he feared so much.
Hoseok just hugged him close.
They stayed like that for a few minutes.
"Did he admit it...?" Hoseok asked.
"No..." Taehyung wiped some tears away and sniffed his nose while still basically laying curled up against Hoseok's side.
"Did you even talk to him about it...?"
"I... I didn't..."
"Taehyung... You really have to talk to him. He's probably very confused. Did you even tell him you are here?"
"I'm gonna call him and ask him to come here to talk. You can't just leave like that."

Meanwhile Jungkook had been trying to call Taehyung for a few hours. He even went to Yoongi's place. When his boyfriend wasn't there he was confused and worried. Where could Tae have gone? Yoongi and Jungkook called Namjoon, only to find out he also didn't know anything.

"He has to atleast know where you are."
"But... He'll come here then..."
"I don't wanna talk to him."
"You're gonna have to eventually."
"Not yet..."
Hoseok sighed getting up from the couch, giving Taehyung a blanket to cuddle.
"Get some sleep, seems like you didn't get alot last night."
"Thanks..." Taehyung quickly fell asleep.

Hobi went to the kitchen and called Jin.
"Hey hyung, I need your help."
"What's up?" Jin replied, worriedly.
"Have you heard anything about Taehyung?"
"I heard from Namjoon that he is kind of missing..."
"Hyung... He's here. But-"
"Yeh but-"
"That's great news!"
"Hyung he really doesn't wanna talk to Jungkook."
"What? Why not?"
"Long story. Please just come over with Namjoon. You'll know what to do when he tells what happend. Or when I tell, he might not wanna tell again..."
"Okay... We're on our way. So also don't tell Jungkook we know where Taehyung is...?"
"Maybe not yet."
"Okay. Yoongi is also really worried tho so maybe we should tell him?"
"Smart... Let him know yeh. He doesn't deserve to be worried."
"Okay Namjoon and I will be there within an hour."
"Thanks hyung, see ya"
"See you soon."

About 46 minutes later Namjoon and Jin arrived. Taehyung was still asleep so Hobi told the story in the kitchen while he made coffee and tea.
"Jungkook would never. I've known them both for ages and neither of them would ever cheat." Namjoon was shocked because it really did seem like Jungkook might have cheated on Taehyung...
"Jungkook also really seemed clueless as to why Taehyung might've left. If he's actually cheated on Taehyung that night, he would've figured it was very suspicious... Right? He's also not that good of an actor towards us. I believe he really was clueless." Namjoon added hopefully.
"Makes sense..." Jin agreed.
"Smart..." Hobi smiled a little. "So what now?"
"We have to convince Taehyung to talk to him." Namjoon answered Hoseok's question.
"I am not talking to him." Taehyung suprised his three hyungs.
"Tae!" Namjoon quickly hugged the smaller boy. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Joonie-hyung." Taehyung said a bit too fast.
Namjoon didn't believe him but didn't wanna bother him with it either.
"Let's go to the living room..." Jin said softly. Hoseok nodded and they all went to the living room.
"Tae, Hoseok told us everything." Namjoon started.
"I figured." Taehyung sounded a bit pissed. Hoseok just looked at him apologetic.
"Taehyung I don't think Jungkook cheated on you." Namjoon told the entire story and Taehyung's expression changed from sad and angry to sad and guilty.
"He really didn't do it...?" Taehyung felt so guilty now for leaving like that.
"We believe he didn't..." Hoseok smiled a little.
"I have to go talk to him..." Taehyung stood up and went to get his jacket.
"Thanks hyungs!" He yelled at the others as he quickly went to Yoongi's place, where Namjoon had said Jungkook was.
He rang the doorbell impatiently and when Yoongi opened the door he didn't even say 'hi', "Where is Jungkook?" Is all he said.
"The guest room." Yoongi smiled when Taehyung quickly walked to the guest room.
"Jungkook!" Taehyung quickly hugged his boyfriend.
"Taehyung?" Jungkook smiled widely and hugged him back.
"I'm so sorry I left like that."
"Why did you...?"
"I... I thought... I'm sorry..."
"I thought... You were cheating on me with Yugyeom..."
"Tae..." Jungkook looked hurt.
"I'm so sorry..." Taehyung couldn't even look Jungkook in the eyes, that's how guilty he felt.

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now