Chapter 38

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12:17 am

Mommy: Hey, can we please meet? I need to ask you something about Namjoon...

N4mjOOnIsD4ngerOus: You can't fool me
N4mjOOnIsD4ngerOus: I know your plans

Mommy: Plans?
Mommy: What do you mean?

N4mjOOnIsD4ngerOus: I can see you, you know?


That made Jin drop his phone.

This could not be happening, this is not real.

Namjoon looked at Jin worried and quickly took Jin's phone to see what they'd said.
Namjoon stood up, angry that someone was threatening his Jin like that.
He walked around the house, making sure all doors were locked.
The other boys read the messages while Namjoon also closed the curtains.
He walked back to the table and while sitting down he said: "none of us are going somewhere alone from now on."
Namjoon wrapped an arm around the shaking Jin, who cuddled into his side.

"We have to call the police." Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly. All seven boys were extremely scared. Someone, who they didn't know anything about, knew everything about them. That person was watching them, somehow. The person probably heard them aswell.
"They'll know... I don't think we should make them angry..." Taehyung looked down.
"Taehyung is right, we shouldn't make them angry..." Jimin said softly. "Who knows what they're capable of..."
"So we're just gonna sit here waiting till they leave?" Yoongi sighed. "That's not gonna work. Seeing how much effort they are doing, they won't just back off."
"Let me see that phone number again, hyung." Hoseok asked. "I'll just search one last time. There's something I haven't tried yet."
Jin handed Hobi his phone, who then typed some things on his laptop.
While Hoseok was busy searching, a new text came in.

You won't find me, no need to give Hoseok your phone.

"They still see us...." Hoseok said softly, showing the rest the message.
"What if we go to someone else's apartment?" Jungkook offered.
"Too dangerous. They would probably follow us and then they'd know where someone else of us lives." Namjoon replied.
"True..." Jungkook looked down.
Taehyung wrapped an arm around his boyfriend. "It's gonna be okay, don't worry too much." He smiled.
"We should all stay here for now, together we are the savest." Hoseok decided.
Yoongi nodded. "Yeah."
"I-I'm so s-sorry guys..." Jin started crying in Namjoon's side. He was afraid, worried, angry but most of all he felt really guilty for getting his friends in danger.
Namjoon held him close, hugged him tightly. "It's not your fault..." He said softly.
"Let's take a break for now..." Taehyung looked sadly at his sobbing friend.
They all agreed.
"Shall I make some ramen?" Yoongi offered, to which all boys agreed.
"I'll help." Jimin smiled a bit following Yoongi to the kitchen.
"Please don't set fire to my kitchen!" Jin joked drying his eyes.
Jimin just pouted at Jin and entered the kitchen after Yoongi.
"Do you even know how to make ramen?" Yoongi chuckled.
"Ehmmmm... Yes?"
"Don't lie."
"I know what it's supposed to look like..."
"Very helpfull." Yoongi chuckled, making Jimin blush with his adorable laugh. "How about you just sit there and take care of the music, okay?"
Jimin nodded. "What kinda music, hyung?"
"Just whatever you listen to."
"Okay." Jimin said with a smile, putting his fav playlist on shuffle.
Having nearly forgotten about the circumstances, they sang along to every song they knew the lyrics of.
Suddenly a very familiar tune entered Yoongi's ears.
"This is one of my favs." Jimin smiled brightly, not realising what song it was exactly, neither realising who's song it was.
It took Yoongi a few seconds to realize, it was in fact, his own song.
It wasn't untill Yoongi rapped along, that Jimin suddenly realised it. The younger blushed very badly wanting to hit himself in the head for not realising it was Yoongi's song.
"I just realised...." Jimin was blushing really badly.
Yoongi turned around laughing, while blushing a bit. "So this is one of your favs?" He chuckled.
Jimin looked down. "Yeh..."
"Thanks." Yoongi smiled brightly. "You really like it?"
"Ehh yes." Jimin blushed even more.
"That's good." Yoongi walked up to Jimin. "What are you so ashamed of?"
"Ehm... I ehh... I need to go to the bathroom." Jimin quickly walked out. But justt outside the kitchen he walked into Hoseok. Jimin would've fallen if Hobi hadn't held him up. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeh I'm okay, sorry." Jimin hastily went to the bathroom.
Hobi looked at Jimin, worried, as he walked into the kitchen.
"What happend? What did you say to Jimin?" Hoseok asked Yoongi who turned around when he heard Hobi's voice.
"Huh? Jimin? Oh... He's just ashamed."
"Of what???"
Yoongi chuckled a bit, and decided to tell the story, while trying not to get too distracted by Hoseok staring at him.
D*mn that boy was hot.

A/N: So I have a lot of ideas,
like A L O T, for the rest of this story. And I hope you're all about as excited as me😊💜

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now