Chapter 21

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4:39 pm
Taelien is now online

Taelien: Hey

4:40 pm
YourHope is now online

YourHope: Hey Taehyung :)
YourHope: Whats up?

Taelien: Is it bad that I get jelous very quickly?

YourHope: Idk tbh. Some people think it's attractive
YourHope: Did something happen?

Taelien: Not really
Taelien: Guess I'm just seeing ghosts😅

YourHope: Probably
YourHope: If you ever wanna talk tho, you know my user ;)

Taelien: Hahahaha thanks Hobi-hyung 😊

YourHope: No problem Tae :)

Taelien: What are you up to?

YourHope: Waiting for Jimin to arrive
YourHope: We're gonna try out a new choreo :)

Taelien: You dance??

YourHope: Yes :)
YourHope: We tried getting Jin into it too but that didn't go so well 😂

Taelien: Lololol Jungkook dances too :)
Taelien: He's actually doing it rn ^_^

YourHope: That's awesome!
YourHope: Do you dance?

Taelien: Only a bit. I'm not as good as Jungkook
Taelien: (I'm better than Namjoon tho ;p )

YourHope: Lol I suppose he's about the same as Jin then
YourHope: They fit together well

Taelien: They do...
Taelien: Also
Taelien: Does Jimin have a thing for Yoongi?

YourHope: I'm not sure... He didn't tell me but it did kinda seem like it...
YourHope: Does Yoongi have a thing for Jimin?

Taelien: He does act different to him... But Yoongi is sadly rly good at hiding his feelings
Taelien: He never really talks about that stuff with me and Jungkook
Taelien: Only sometimes with Namjoon

YourHope: Ohhhh
YourHope: We'll see :)


Jungkook noticed Taehyung had been on his phone for a while now, but he felt like it'd be bad if he asked him who it was. Jungkook decided he could trust Taehyung.

Yugyeom and Jungkook had now been taking turns in doing solo dances. Mark cheering for both of them.
Whenever Yugyeom danced Jungkook watched in awe because Yugyeom was so good, you could even see it in a game like this.
Whenever Jungkook danced Yugyeom looked in awe. Not just because Jungkook was good, f*ck that guy had thighs. And a good butt. 'F*ck he has so much sex appeal' went through Yugyeom's mind. Immeditaly followed with 'even a straight guy would see that'. A slight blush formed on Yugyeom's cheeks when Jungkook did an improvised bodyroll.
Taehyung noticed everything, looking from over his phone. It made him pissed and upset. He didn't even bother to glare at Yugyeom anymore. It was Jungkook's fault. Jungkook looked at Yugyeom like that too, according to Taehyung's mind.


Taelien: Hope-hyung can you distract me for a bit?

YourHope: Eh sure but if you wanna talk it's also okay

Taelien: Please just distract me😅

YourHope: Okay ^_^
YourHope: What's your fav color?

Taelien: What kinda question is that?

YourHope: A shitty one :)
YourHope: Just answer it ^_^

Taelien: Lololol ehm okay
Taelien: Ehm idk green maybe?
Taelien: Maybe gold?

YourHope: Cool :)
YourHope: Fav artist?

Taelien: Vincent van Gogh :)

YourHope: Wow
YourHope: I actually meant as in music but that'll do 😂
YourHope: Awesome :)

Taelien: Oh hahaha😅
Taelien: I think my fav artist is....
Taelien: Ehm....
Taelien: I really like Black Pink ;-;
Taelien: And G Dragon

YourHope: Ohhh yes they're really cool!

Taelien: And Rap Monster and Agust D :)

YourHope: Ohh idk those
YourHope: Send me some links?

Taelien: There's actually nothing rly of them to send ;-;

YourHope: Ohhh ;-;
YourHope: Wait
YourHope: Then how do you know they exist?😂

Taelien: I know them personally ;)

YourHope: :o
YourHope: That's so cool!

Taelien: It's Namjoon and Yoongi 😂



Jungkook was a bit upset that Taehyung was on his phone the entire time. But he also didn't wanna make a scene. So when it was Yugyeom's turn Jungkook went to sit on Taehyung's lap and tried to lean against Taehyung's chest, but Taehyung actually stopped him and gently pushed him back. "Sorry, I have a headache." Was the excuse Taehyung used. Jungkook was upset now. "Who are you texting?" He asked, trying to give it a playful tone, which didn't really work out that well.


Taelien: I'll tell you later
Taelien: Sorry
Taelien: Gtg now

YourHope: Okay byeee😁

Taelien: Bye😊

5:03 pm
Taelien went offline
YourHope went offline


"Who are you texting?"
"No one." Taehyung sighed a bit puttjng his phone away, giving Taehyung a (fake) smile. "Just scrolling through instagram and commenting on some posts".
"Ohhh" Jungkook smiled relieved. "Do you wanna go home? Because of your headache..."
"Thanks... I think that would be better yeh." Taehyung replied.

So they went home.
The carride was rather quiet.
Jungkook wasn't sure if it was the headache or if there was something wrong. He didn't dare to ask, too afraid something was indeed wrong.

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now