Chapter 8

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9:10 pm
Mommy is now online

Mommy: Hey 👀
Mommy: Hobi and Jimin just left so I'm home alone again 😌

Daddy is now online

Mommy: They arrived early and left late so my energy is kinda drained 😩

Daddy: Hi :)
Daddy: Ahw poor you
Daddy: I just got home 😊

Mommy: Did you win at Mario Kart?

Daddy: I only got second once 😅
Daddy: Taehyung accidentally threw a bomb at jungkook at him so Yoonji and I were able to pass them right before the finish :)

Mommy: Second is good enough :)
Mommy: But I guess I'll have to give you some lessons at Mario Kart some day ;p

Daddy: Ugh yes please >.<

Mommy: Hahahahahaha
Mommy: I'll teach you some League then aswell :)

Daddy: Sounds like a plan! :)
Daddy: You'll have to add my on skype then 😏

Mommy: RyanLover94?

Daddy: You're a good guesser😅

Mommy: Sent you a contact request thingy ;)

Daddy: "contact request thingy" lmao that's adorable
Daddy: Accepted it :)

Mommy: Yey :)
Mommy: I have no energy rn tho sorry 😁

Daddy: It's okay 😊
Daddy: I'll let you off this time :)
Daddy: If...

Mommy: Hahahaha thanks!
Mommy: If...?

Daddy: If you send me another selca :)

Mommy: Then I want one of you too :)

Daddy: Ugh fine 😂

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Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now