Chapter 11

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Joonie🌸: You owe me :)

YourHope: I expected something like that 😞
YourHope: What is it gonna be?

Joonie🌸: Let me think...

YourHope: This is gonna be bad isn't it?

Joonie🌸: Maybe :)
Joonie🌸: Maybe not :)

YourHope: You're hopeless

Joonie🌸: The irony

YourHope: Did you think of something yet??

Joonie🌸: Yes :)
Joonie🌸: But first ima need to talk to Hobi :)

YourHope: To Hobi???
YourHope: I don't trust this

Joonie🌸: Well it's his phone so you have no right to decline :)

YourHope: Touché
YourHope: Just don't send anything regarding snakes, Hobi will his phone in the air and break it again and then I have to go to Jimin if I wanted to talk to you

Joonie🌸: Snakes?
Joonie🌸: Why would I send snakes?😂

YourHope: Okay good. Well ttyl :')
YourHope: Hey

Joonie🌸: Hobi?

YourHope: Yes that's me :)

Joonie🌸: Hi I'm Namjoon ^_^

YourHope: Hahaha I know Jin-hyung told me all about you :)

Joonie🌸: Really?

YourHope: Yep :)
YourHope: He's gonna kill me for saying this tho😂

Joonie🌸: Oh well. Death seems interesting

YourHope: Hahahaha yeh but I'd rather not die :') not today :')

Joonie🌸: Lol okay but ehm Jin owes me and I don't know what to ask
Joonie🌸: Do you have any bright ideas?

YourHope: Hmmmm
YourHope: Ask him out on a date ;)

Joonie🌸: ...
Joonie🌸: He doesn't like me that way tho :)

YourHope: What makes you think that?

Joonie🌸: He doesn't really flirt back 😬

YourHope: Does that confirm it tho

Joonie🌸: Idk fam 😩😞
Joonie🌸: I don't wanna ruin our friendship ;-;
Joonie🌸: What if he's not into men?
Joonie🌸: Maybe he is but is insecure about it???

YourHope: Look, as much as I want to, I can't tell you the answers to those questions. Jin needs to tell you that himself. And I think the best way to do that is to ask him out 😊

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now