Chapter 30

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A/N: Yeh i don't really update on actual times anymore but hey I'm on vacation :p
I try to make the chapters a bit longer and try to make every chapter interesting/worth reading. Which is quite hard for me but I'm trying please keep reading guys 🙏🏻
Thank you all for sticking with me💜

Jin's phone lit up from the messages, but Jin was fast asleep, just like Jimin and Yoongi. Hoseok on the other hand, was wide awake. He was worried because in all those years Jin had never called him in the middle of the night to ask for help. When he saw Jin's phone light up he knew he shouldn't look but he couldn't help the urge. He looked at the messages that had popped up.
"What the..."
Hoseok knew he shouldn't but he was too worried now, he unlocked jin's phone and went to the chat. He read it all.
He needed to talk to Jin about it but he could hardly wake him up now without waking the others. Hobi decided to let Jin sleep as he, himself gave up on sleeping and went on his own phone instead.

Jin was running through the dark forest. Twigs snapping loudly under his feet. He looked back, to see seemingly glowing eyes and a devilish smirk coming at him with a fast pace.
Jin stumbled and fell. He got back up, to realise he was no longer in a forest. He was now running through a long hallway, of which he couldn't see the end. It was dark, the only light was the light of candles on the walls, but their fires stopped burning when Jin got close to them.
He looked back but could no longer see the eyes nor the smirk.
He smelled him. He smelled the scent that used to make him feel save. The scent he loved. The scent he recognized as his boyfriend's.
He wanted to trust it. He was wishing he could. But everything in him told him to run.
"Hyung... Don't run from me baby." The sweet but betraying voice echoed through the hallway. Jin kept on running, shivers down his spine. This man had killed. He had killed one of Jin's best friends. Tears were rolling down Jin's face, ever since the man had killed Jimin. Tears of fear, despair and anger. His chest seemed to hurt as he started being out of breath. The terrified boy told himself to keep running, but then the hallway ended. There was only a door. He had no time to think and opened the door. What he saw there blew his mind.

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now