Chapter 23

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At five in the morning Taehyung was asleep on the couch with a blanket over him.

Jungkook came home at seven in the morning.
Taehyung was still asleep.
"Taehyung...?" Jungkook softly asked nudging the boy a bit. Taehyung didn't wake up so Jungkook decided to let him sleep.
Jungkook sat on the small space left om the couch at Taehyung's feet. He had felt really guilty but it only became worse when he got home to see Taehyung laying on the couch. His boyfriend had stayed up to wait for him...

Around eight or nine PM Taehyung woke up. "Jungkook?" He spoke with a morning voice. "When did you get home?"
"Tae... I'm sorry..."
"What time?"
"This morning..."
"What time...?"
"Around seven..."
Taehyung looked at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes.
"You slept there?"
"Yeh... Taehyung I'm sorry I should've told you."
"I waited!"
"I told you not to..."
That made Taehyung even more angry.
"You knew I'd wait for you! You should've just texted me!"
"I didn't mean to stay there that long... It just... Happend..."
"I dont have to know what happen. I'm going to Yoongi."
"W-what? Taehyung I just got home late..."
Taehyung wanted to yell at Jungkook. He wanted to so badly. Wanted to tell him he knew, to tell him he hated him for it. Most of all he wanted to tell Jungkook he was hurt. He wanted Jungkook to comfort him and convince him it was all okay and that they were good and that Jungkook didn't like anyone else. He wanted to hear Jungkook say he loved him.
But he couldnt. He couldnt say it.
If he'd say it it'd be real. Now... It's just a nightmare... Right?

Taehyung's tears dropped down his cheecks and he called Hobi, since he'd been a good and very supportive friend. While calling he packed some stuff for just a few days.
He didn't even say goodbye to Jungkook and drove to Hobi's place, after getting the adress.

Taehyung rang the doorbell, a bit nervous since he hadn't even called with Hobi before just now. It could still be a pedophile if Jin wasn't as trustworthy as Namjoon claimed. Tho it wouldn't be a pedophile if just Taehyung was his victim. Because Taehyung isn't underage.

Hobi opened the door smiling.
"Hey Tae!" The older smiled.
"Hey Hobi-hyung." Taehyung gave Hobi sad smile.
Hoseok hugged the younger boy. "Come on in."
Taehyung nodded and followed the hyung into his apartment.
"Thanks for letting me stay."
"Don't worry about it. Have you had breakfast yet?"
"Oh no not yet, but it's okay you don't have to get me any food."
"Are you crazy? You can just eat all the food here. My parents send me alot anyway." Hoseok's parents were retired early and traveled a lot. They always send Hobi alot of food from wherever they were.
"You sure?" Taehyung tried, not wanting to be a burden.
"I'm sure." Hoseok smiled.
Hoseok searched through some cabinets and made Taehyung breakfast, who sat on the counter top.
Once they were seated on the couch, Taehyung eating the food, Hobi asked "So... Do you wanna talk about what happend? You sounded really upset on the phone..."
"It... I... I think... I think Jungkook... No I'm quite sure... He's cheating on me." Taehyung's voice trembled a bit.
"Taehyung... What makes you think that?"
"The way the look at eachother... How he smiles when he texts him... He seems to have secrets for me... And yesterday..." Taehyung's voice broke and tears now were falling freely from his eyes.
Hobi pulled him into a hug after Taehyung put his plate on the table.
"H-he didn't come h-home. He s-slept at Y-Yugyeom's p-place. I-I think t-they slept t-togther, Hobi-hyung."
Taehung sobbed loudly when he finally said out loud what he feared so much.
Hobi just hugged him close.

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now