Chapter 31

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The terrified boy told himself to keep running, but then the hallway ended. There was only a door. He had no time to think and opened the door. What he saw there blew his mind.

All his six friends sitting in a livingroom together. Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook, even Jimin and Namjoon.
They were playing Jenga.
"Come on Jin-hyung! Join us!" Jimin smiled widely from next to Namjoon.
"I-I... J-Jimin?" The oldest stuttered, looking afraid at Namjoon, who on his turn smiled at Jin like he'd always done. In his caring and loving way, which said 'I'll protect you'.
Jin didn't know what to do. He ran out. He ran out of the room. Closed the door behind him. Only to regret it immediatly after. The door had led him to a small room. He saw his boyfriend sitting in a chair, wearing only white.

Jin didn't know wether to be scared or worried

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Jin didn't know wether to be scared or worried. He was both. Mostly scared.
"J-Joonie?" Jin tried.
Namjoon finally looked at him. He looked Jin in the eyes.
All Jin's fear was gone, replaced with worry.
Namjoon's eyes were filled with it, filled with fear.
"Namjoon..." Jin slowly walked up to him.
"NO!" Namjoon yelled loudly.
"W-what is this?" Jin looked around, scared again.
"Don't come closer." Namjoon nearly whispered, looking down.
"Don't go..."
"I won't..."
"Namjoon you're making no sense."
"Why? You just told me to not go and now you're telling me to go."
Namjoon looked up at Jin again. "I'm a ticking time bomb."
"You're what?"
Suddenly namjoon started smirking and got up from the chair. The chains that had seemed to be on his wrists fell to the ground when he shook them off.
Jin backed away, not knowing what to trust anymore.
"Come home with me baby, I'll teach you how to live." He laughed. "Or better, how to die." His smiled terrified Jin more than the knife his boyfriend was suddenly holding.
"P-please don't..." Jin backed away more but there was no way out of this room.
Namjoon walked up to him.
Jin backed away into a corner, he was stuck.
The younger smirked as he gripped Jin's throat, slowly choking the older
"See you soon."

Jin woke up in sweat, breathing heavily as tears streamed down his face.
"Hyung?" Jimin's sleepy voice sounded very worried.
"J-jimin..." The older said softly, as he hugged the maknae tightly.
"Are you okay?"
Jin nodded. "Just a nightmare..."
The rest was still asleep. Jin was glad he hadn't waken them up.
Jimin cuddled into Jin again, they way they had before.
"Hyung, what was it about?"
"Oh... Just random stuff... Why?"
"Okay... You just seemed so happy to see me." Jimin chuckled a bit.
"Let's sleep." Jin chuckled too, as he started playing with Jimin's hair, knowing the younger would fall asleep very quickly that way.
Jimin indeed fell asleep very soon, but Jin stayed awake, afraid the dreams might continue.

I can't promise I'll post daily again soon because I'm still on holiday😁🙏🏻
And if I force myself to write it'll just become crappy :')
So please hold on a little longer and also tHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS OML I'M SO HAPPY THANK YOUUUUU💜💜💜💜

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now