Chapter 16

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A/N: Thank you so much for reading :) I've been dreading writing this, bc this is gonna be a way different way of writing. So yeh :')
I hope ya'll enjoy :)
It's friday around 11 am

Jin looked at his phone to see a text from Namjoon in private.

Momjoon: I'll be there in 20 minutes :)

Namjoon had told him to wear good shoes and casual but nice clothing. So like skinny jeans and an oversized pink sweater was good, right?
He decided on that and went to check his phone to see nearly 20 minutes passed so he went to the mirror to check if he looked okay.
He blew a kiss at himself in the mirror, chuckled and went to get his shoes and jacket.

Namjoon gathered all his courage and got out of his car. With his stomach full of nerves he rang the doorbell. Everything in him told him to run, he was that nervous. He held the bouquet of pink roses tightly while waiting for what seemed like an hour.

Jin opened the door with a hand shaking due to nerves. He saw Namjoon standing there and smiled.
"Hey" Jin somehow got out of his throat.
"O-oh hey" Namjoon smiled nervously. Jin chuckled at Namjoon's adorable nerves.
Namjoon handed Jin the roses and blushed.
"They're so pretty!" Jin smiled widely "come on in I'll put them in a vase". Namjoon nodded and followed Jin inside.
"Do you live here alone?" Namjoon asked while looking around the neat livingroom of the pastel tinted apartment.
"Yes," Jin answered, proudly. "I saved up for this apartment a long time. But it was worth it." When the flowers were in the vase Jin turned to Namjoon and smiled.
"Shall we go?" Namjoon asked as he shyly took Jin's hand. Jin blushed and nodded. "Yeh" he smiled.

Namjoon opened every door for Jin on their way to the car including the cardoor. Jin blushed and thanked him every time, not used to people taking care of him like that. Even when they arrived at the park Namjoon made sure Jin would stay in his seat before Namjoon got to open the passenger door. Jin blushed "You know I can do that myself, right?" and let out a soft giggle.
Namjoon just smiled proudly and told him "I like taking care of you".
Which made Jin feel something he couldn't really explain but he loved it. He blushed more and said "thank you." softly.

They held hands, talked and laughed while walking through the beautiful park which was full of colors and life.

A/N: I hope ya'll didn't cringe too badly while reading this. If you did, please hold on, I'm going back to texts asap 😂
Thanks for reading ❤️

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now