Chapter 27

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"You knew that camera was here."
"No I swear I didn't!" Namjoon chuckled standing up normally again, he had been bending over Jin with one knee inbetween Jin's knees. Jin chuckled aswell.

Jin sang some songs for Namjoon, who was impressed by every line his hyung sang, this made Jin both blush and smile.
"I'll ask Yoongi to help you compose a melody!" Namjoon said excitedly.
"Thank you so much!" Jin happily hugged Namjoon, who hugged back, smiling. 
They went upstairs to drink and eat  something and watched some Netflix, knowing Yoongi was okay with it as long as they cleaned up and didn't empty the entire fridge.
Jin had been leaning against Namjoon for a few minutes when Jin placed a pillow on Namjoon's lap and laid his head on it. Namjoon smiled playing with Jin's hair.
About an hour later Namjoon decided they should go home, but when he wanted to ask Jin, he was asleep.
Namjoon smiled pecking his hyung's forehead. "Wake up princess, we're still at Yoongi's place." Namjoon smiled.
Jin woke up. "I'm too tired." He whined.
"Fine." Namjoon smirked as a picked Jin up bridal style. The boy blushed and whined more. "Nooo let me dooooown." But he didn't even have the strength to struggle. Namjoon just chuckled and continued to carry Jin yo the car. He set him down on the passenger's seat. "I'll drive. Wait a minute." Namjoon closed the passenger door and went back inside to quickly clean up a bit and got jin's shoes and both their jackets.
Namjoon drove to Jin's place and when they got there he carried sleeping Jin to his bedroom and put him in bed.
"Where are you going?" Jin said softly when Namjoon was about to walk out of his room again.
"Home." Namjoon smiled.
"But... Were with my car so you don't even have a car... How will you...? I should bring you back..." Jin said as he sat up.
"It's okay," Namjoon smiled "it's not that far to walk."
"Are you crazy? It's already dark out and there's too many creepy alleys in this part of the city!"
"Jin-hyung I'll be okay, don't worry."
"Stay." Jin smiled.
"If you prefer I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed but we could also share this bed, and cuddle." Jin blushed.
"Are you sure...?" Namjoon smiled.
"Okay, we'll cuddle." He said excitedly.
"Yeyyyy!" Jin smiled widely.
"Do you maybe have jogging pants or something I can sleep in?"
Jin nodded getting out of bed.
He walked to his closet, got out 2 jogging pants, threw the dark blue one at Namjoon and kept the gray one for himself. "Is that enough?"
"It is for me if it is for you." Namjoon chuckled.
"It is for me." Jin chuckled aswell.

They both got changed with their backs facing eachother (or so Jin thought, Namjoon couldn't help but peek at Jin's muscular back).
Jin got into his bed and Namjoon followed, wrapping his arms around Jin's waist. Jin cuddled his face into Namjoon's chest.
"I'm glad you stayed." He softly said.
"So am I." Namjoon played with Jin's hair as they both fell asleep.

Meanwhile Yoongi was a few miles away, yelling at a game console for giving him a bad item in Mario Kart once again. "NOOOO I DONT WANNA BE IN LAST I'M NOT TAKING 12 SIPS OF THIS DEVILISH DRINK GIVE ME A BULLET BILL PLEASE!!!"
The other 2 guys laughed their asses off as they finished 2nd and 3rd.
"I hate this game!" Yoongi pouted.
"Take your 12 sips Yoongi." The guys laughed.
"IT'S HYUNG! AHHH I'M STILL OLDER THAN BOTH OF YOU!" Yoongi whined while taking his sips.
"Sorry Yoongi-hyung." One of them giggled.
"Shut up and take your 3 sips Jimin."
"Wow I didn't know Yoongi-hyung was the aggresive type of drunk." The other guy giggled.
Yoongi glared at him. "You take your two sips, Hobi."
Yoongi was doing well and winning alot the first few games but then items started to ruin it for him and Yoongi suprisingly couldn't take alcohol as well as the younger boys, which resulted in Yoongi being nearly drunk, Jimin tipsy and Hobi barely feeling anything of the booze.
"I cant believe you two fed me drunk 2 hours after we first met." Yoongi whined.
"You agreed to it." Jimin giggled.
Yoongi was currently laying upside down on the couch, eating some crisps, which made Jimin very giggly(which was the main reason Yoongi didn't stop yet). Meanwhile Hoseok was searching their next map.
"You look funny upside down, Yoonji." Jimin giggled more, but Yoongi stared at him.
"Such disrespect!" Yoongi got up from the couch and walked to the one were Jimin and Hobi were sitting on and laid down on both of their laps. "Respect and love your hyung!" Yoongi slurred a bit.
Jimin giggled when yoongi's head was in his lap. The youngest boy pecked Yoongi's forehead and giggled more. Yoongi just pretended to be asleep.
"YEP THAT WAS ENOUGH BOOZE FOR YOU TWO!" Hoseok yelled as he turned off the console.
"I'm tired." Yoongi whined.
"Then sleep." Hoseok replied.
"Give me a blanket then please." Yoongi slurred.
"I got three beds ready upstairs. Lets go there, okay? No way I'm letting either of you go home like this."
"Can I get cuddles then?" Jimin pouted.
"Sure, Jimin." Hoseok helped Yoongi get up.
"Can I get cuddles tooooo?" Yoongi whined.

That's how the 3 boys ended up in Hoseok's kingsized bed, making a cuddly sandwich with Hoseok in the middle.

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now