Chapter 17

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Namjoon and Jin held hands, talked and laughed while walking through the beautiful park which was full of colors and life.

After a while they sat down on a bench together. Namjoon wrapped his left arm around Jin's impresively broad shoulders while Jin held Namjoon's right hand in his 2 hands. He played with Namjoon's rings for a bit till a few young teenage girls walked past. Namjoon suspiciously eyed them which may have not been the brightest plan, he realised once they locked eyes. The girls stopped walking and looked at Jin and him disgusted. Jin wasn't realising what was going on, too intrigued by Namjoon's gigantic hand. Namjoon tensed up a bit and held his arm around Jin a bit tighter, protectively.
One of the girls looked Namjoon in the eye and acted like she was throwing up. Namjoon tensed up more and looked away. He wasn't angry that he was getting insulted, but he was furious that Jin was getting insulted. But as long as Jin didn't notice what was going on, it was better.
None of them noticed, that more people were about to pass by. It was a small group of elder people. Around five or six people. Two of them happend to notice what was happening, unlike Jin who was still oblivious to it all. The two men walked a bit towards the girls, their wives looking at them proudly from a distance.
The girls looked at the men confused, while Namjoon realised those men were most likely also gonna say or do something to insult Jin and him.
"Jin-hyung" Namjoon softly said to the older boy. "Shall we continue?"
Jin looked at Namjoon about to ask why he already wanted to walk again, they had just sat down, but when Jin saw Namjoon's mostly worried and a bit upset expression, he asked "what's wrong?" Namjoon looked at Jin considering what was the best option, but decided to let him know. Jin would've most likely found out anyways. "Those people there..." Namjoon said so softly that only Jin and he could hear. He just wanted to quietly leave this situation instead of making it a thing. But what happend next neither the girls, nor Namjoon expected. While Jin was looking at everything and quickly figuring out what was going on, the two older men stood next to the girls looking at Namjoon and Jin, and one of the men said "isn't love beautiful?"
Namjoon was confused but smiles proudly, just like Jin, who was also smiling widely and looked at Namjoon as if wanting to say something along the lines "there may be some bad people but there are also good people out there."
The other man was taking out a camera from out of his bag and looked at Namjoon and Jin who were still sitting on the bench. He walked a bit towards them. "Could I maybe take a picture of you and the scenery? I think it's really beautiful."
Namjoon blushed a bit by the question and looked at Jin, who nodded. "If you e-mail them to us." Namjoon joked. The man laughed and took a few pictures like a profesional. The girls had walked away and the other older man had walked to his proud wife again.
Jin looked Namjoon in the eyes. They were so happy. They were so in love.
Tthe man was still taking pictures, playing around with the light and angles.
Namjoon felt his stomach telling him he had to do it. It was now. Now was the best timing. But what if Jin didn't want it? Everything in Namjoon told him to do it but he was afraid of fucking up.
Namjoon's thoughts got rudely abrupted by Jin, who may have realised what was going on in Namjoon's mind, and had placed his own plump lips on Namjoon's.

Thanks for reading💜

Beyond The Texts // a Namjin fanfiction // Namjoon x SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now