Chapter 4

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Johns pov
Before we left Alex's dorm I told Alex Herc and laf that I needed to talk to them without y/n. I needed to get advice on if I should ask her out. I mean I am going to but I just don't know how. At around 11:30 pm when I knew that y/n was sleeping I snuck out of the dorm to meet the others at laf and Herc's place.
"So what did you need to talk to us about Mom amie" laf said walking over to me
"Yeah you looked stressed... HA maybe even more stressed then Alex" Herc said laughing to himself.
Alex just gave him a death glare.
"I need some advice from you guys" I said finally finding my words
"Ok then what is it you need advice about" laf said putting his hand on my shoulder "wait is it about y/n.... *GASP* that's why you didn't want her to come is it" Herc said leaning over the chair he was sitting on
"Umm maybe....... *sigh* ok ok yes it is about her" I say looking down
They look at each other for a minute and then they look back at me
"So you need advice for your amour" laf said giving me a wink. I started blushing.
"Y-yeah I w-want to a-ask her o-out" I said mumbling over my words, nervous of what they were going to say.
"John just be yourself your like her best friend out of all of us you know her just as well as we do...... how about this tomorrow when we go to explore New York we can all go to Central Park and then me Herc and Laf will walk away from you and y/n so that you can tell her how you feel. Oh and on the bright side if she rejects you, you know she will still want to be your friend" Alex said looking away from his work and then quickly going back over to it.
"Yeah your right it will be fine... ok thanks guys I'm going to ask her tomorrow. Alright well night you guys" I say walking out of their dorm and back to mine.
End of pov
Lafayette's pov (yay a new pov!!)
After john left I was all of the sudden upset. I guess maybe it was because y/n never talked to me about this kind of stuff I mean we tell each other everything I'm sure if she liked someone then she would have told me by now. Unless it was someone that she didn't want us to know about.
*GASP* my gasp made Herc and Alex jump from their seats and look over at me
"What the hell was that all about Laf what did you gasp for" Alex said looking annoyed
"I just was thinking what is y/n already has a crush on someone" I said with panic in my eyes.
"Umm i don't know Laf she would have talked to us" Herc said looking confused.
"That's just it was if it was someone that she didn't want us to know about... like someone that most of us hate" I said looking over at Alex.
"What the hell are you looking at me for who do I ha- ohhhhhhhh... *GASP* no she wouldn't have a crush on him.... would she" Alex said looking panicked and concerned.
"Wait wait wait who are you guys talking about who does Alex hate that we all know abo- ohhhhh you mean Thomas.... as in Thomas Jefferson... no she wouldn't.... would she" Herc said with concern,panic and worry all on his face at once.
"I don't know Mom amie but if she does we will find out tomorrow" I said shaking my head as in to get the thought out of my head.
"Well I'm going back to my dorm night guys see you tomorrow" Alex said walking out of the room.
"Yeah I'm going to go to bed too" Herc said walking to his room.
"Oui I am as well... bonne nuit" I said walking to my room.
'Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day' I thought to myself getting into bed.
End of pov

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