Chapter 11

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Your pov
When you woke up you were in someone's room. A dorm you thought but you have never seen this room before. You were tied up on a bed and you had something in your mouth so you couldn't talk. You were trying to figure out where you were and then that's when it hit you.

Flash back
"Who the fuck are you" you said holding up your axe. The person turned around to see you and they jumped back when they saw you had an axe and knew how to use it.
"Whoa whoa there calm down I won't hurt you if you put the axe down" the intruder said nervously.
"HAHAHAHA now why would I do that" you said ready to act at anytime.
"Now tell me who are you" you said to the person and had you axe ready to swing if they tryed anything.
"Well I'm someone you already know darlin' " the person said walking out of the shadows and into the moonlight.
"Thomas" you hissed now you really want to kill this mother fucker but you have self control and you took your weapon out of attacking position and you just held it by our side.
"What do you want Thomas" you asked getting pissed off.
"That's simple y/n, as you can see I have wanted this thing for a long time and you have always avoided my requests so now I'm not asking I'm demanding y/n. I'm going to ask one last time and if you reject then I have no other choice then to demand for it" Thomas said smirking.
"Y/n will you dump for sad excuse for a boyfriend and date me instead" Thomas asked still smirking.
"No not in a million years not ever" you told him sternly. His smirk dropped to a frown.
"Then I guess I have no choice" he said and then he snapped his fingers and then someone came up from behind you and they put something to your mouth. You tried to get away but you already dropped your axe and then you blacked out you can't remember what happened after that.
End of flash back

Forever yours    John Laurens X Reader college AU Where stories live. Discover now