Chapter 25

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Eliza's pov
'JAMES  REYNOLDS!?!?! Why is he here saying that Alex is cheating on me??'
"So James do you have Proof Alex is cheating on me?" I asked him. "Yes I do" he said handing me pictures. I looked at the pictures closely and I saw Alex and y/n at the mall in a jewelry store. 'Ok Eliza let's think, you have pictures of y/n and Alex at the mall in a jewelry store....why they are in a jewelry store I have no idea but I know that y/n is dating John and she wouldn't cheat on him especially with Alex I mean their like brother and sister, so I know Alex isn't cheating on me....good'
"*sigh* well James..." I said handing him the pictures. "Yes? Eliza" he said smirking. "Alex isn't cheating on me" I said with a poker face. "WHAT" he yelled. "I said Alex isn't cheating on me are you hard of hearing or something" I said crossing my arms. "What do you mean he's not cheating on you don't you see him with a another girl in a jewelry store together obviously he's cheating on you" James said showing me the pictures again. "Alex is with my friend y/n in this picture and I know that he wouldn't cheat on me with y/n" I said. "And how do you know that" he asked. " because y/n is dating John one and two Alex and y/n are like siblings and I know they wouldn't date each other" I said. "Now if you don't mind I'm tired so I'm going back to my dorm bye James.... nice try though" I said walking away.
Time skip to the next morning
Your pov
I woke up in Johns arms. It was fall now so it was pretty cold out so I cuddled closer into his chest to warm up. "Y/n what time is it" john said rubbing his eyes. I looked at my phone it said 6:30 am. "It's 6:30, why" I asked "we got to get up soon and get ready for class" he said holding on to me. "Uugghhh" I said in his chest. He chuckled a little at my childish behavior and then started rubbing my back gently. "I wish we could just stay like this all day" I said. " too" John said looking at me.

Hercules pov
I heard my phones alarm go off so I looked at the time on my phone and turned off the alarm. The time was 7:15 am. 'Guess I better go wake up everyone else or we will all be late....again'. I got out of bed and put on my outfit for today and brushed my teeth. I walked down stairs to the kitchen grabbed two pans and walked back upstairs. I then started banging the pans together. " BANG!!! CRASH!!! BANG BANG BANG!!!!" "GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF BED NOW OR WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!!" I yelled down the hallway. I heard everyone start groaning and get out of bed. ' well my work here is done' I thought as I walked back downstairs to the kitchen to put the pans away and start breakfast.

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