Chapter 12

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~{ hello hello I just wanted to warn you guys that there will be some violence so if you don't like that then I will let you know when it's going to start and when it ends so you can skip it if you arnt comfortable with that}~
Your pov
After your flash back of what happened you heard someone walking to the room you were in. The sound stoped and the door opened a little to reveal........ James Madison.
"Y/n" James said worryingly.
"J-James who's room am I in and where am I? And why are you here?!" You said questioning him.
"Your in Thomas's room and your in me and Thomas's dorm and I'm here because this is my dorm. Thomas said that he had something in here and that he didn't want me to go in but I had to see what it was so when he left I snuck in and I just found you... and well you know the rest of the story" James said explaining everything. After a few moments of silence I finally said.
"Well are you just going to stand there and look at me or are you going to untie me" you asked him. James looked at you for a few more minutes and then he said. "Y/n as much as I would love to help you I can't or well I can't at the moment" he said. You gave him an 'are you fucking kidding me' look.
"Don't worry I will make sure that Thomas doesn't do anything to you and I won't leave the dorm so that he can't do anything" James said. You looked at him for a moment. " James if Thomas try's anything I will fucking kill him it's not that hard for me to untie this small ass not" you said to James. He gulped.
"O-ok then why do you need my help" James said. " because then that way I won't have to hurt my self in the process of getting free" you said. " ok ok I will loosen it so you can slip your hands out" James said walking over to you and then making the not looser so you could slip your hands out easily. When he was done doing that he left and closed the door as if nothing happened. "Why me" you told your self before closing your eyes to rest a Little.

James's pov
When I found y/n in there I knew that Thomas has gone insane this has to stop. I have to find john. He probably is already looking for her I mean they do share a dorm together so how did Thomas get her without John noticing that he was in their dorm. Y/n most likely heard Thomas walk in. y/n has always been self aware of her surroundings.
end of pov

johns pov
"so does anyone know where Thomas's dorm is" i asked while locking the dorm. "oui, i know where it is, me and Thomas were friends but now that he has done this to y/n he is no friend of mine" Laf said. we all followed Laf to Thomas's dorm.
end of pov

Your pov
When I opened my eyes again I saw Thomas sitting next to me. He turned around and saw that I was up.
"Y/n your up" he said smiling. Before I could respond someone knocked on the door. "Who is it" Thomas said annoyed. " it's me Aaron"  Aaron said in the other side of the door. " oh ok you can come in" Thomas said unlocking the door. "Alright Thomas now that you have what you want I want what you said I would get if I helped you kidnap y/n" Aaron said with no expression on his face. "Helped you kidnap......*gasp* YOUR THE REASON THAT I BLACKED OUT" you yelled at Aaron. ~{ a small bit of violence is about to happen}~"Aaron hand me that bandanna" Thomas said pointing to a desk across the room. Aaron grabbed it and handed it to Thomas. Thomas got up and then tried to tie it around your mouth but when he got close enough you bit him hard and you weren't going to let go. He screamed at the top of his lungs and you started to laugh a little because he sounded like a 5 year old. When you let go you could taste the blood in your mouth. ~{ the violence is over for the moment}~ Thomas and Aaron left the room to go clean up Thomas's hand. You started to think to your self 'should I wait for john to rescue me or wait for James too or should I just rescue myself?' You kept thinking these things until you heard some noise coming for the other room.
End of pov

John's pov
When we got to Thomas's dorm I didn't even knock I fucking kicked down the door. "THOMAS YOU SON OF A BITCH SHOW YOUR SELF" I yelled. I was holding up a bat with nails stuck in them and I was ready to swing. But Laf took my weapon and everyone else's and put them in a bag. "Come on Laf I want to kill this mother fucker" I said growling. "Non mom ami we will let him talk first and then if he has y/n, then we can hurt him not kill him, understand" Laf said raising an eyebrow at me. "Yes" I angerly mumbled. I then saw James run out of a room which looked like a bathroom and he ran to me. "John, John Thomas has gone insane. Him and Aaron Burr kidnaped her last night and I know where she is. And I think she might be insane too" James said to me and the others. I was over the top mad now. "And why would y/n be insane" I said clenching my fists. "Because..... you know what just come here" James said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the bathroom. "Look" he said pointing to Thomas's hand. He had a huge bite mark on his hand and it was bleeding... really bad. "Damn y/n did that" I said still looking at his hand. Thomas noticed that I was there and got up immediately. "J-john why are you here" Thomas said trying to hide his hand. "Don't try and fuck with me I know you have y/n now where is she" I said grabbing his shirt. "Psh like I would tell you.... you'll never find her" Thomas said confidently. "Heh we'll see about that" I said pushing him down. "YYY/NNN!!! WHERE ARE YA ITS ME JOHN!" I yelled to see if I would get a response.
End of pov

Your pov
"YYY/NNN!!! WHERE ARE YA ITS ME JOHN!" You heard john yell for you. You came back to reality and remembered what was going on and you got pissed again. Not at john but at Thomas. You slid your hands out from being tied up. "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL THAT BASTARD" you yelled as you kicked down Thomas's door. Everyone was looking in your direction.
"Where is Thomas" you hissed. Everyone pointed at him. You walked over to him and held him up. You glanced over at john and he was looking at something on your face you then realized that it was Thomas's blood all over your mouth. You shrugged it off and when back to Thomas. "If you ever and I fucking mean ever try to do something like this again you will end. Up. Dead. And that's a fucking guarantee" after you said that you punched him the face. You hit him so hard that he passed out, and honestly he deserved worse. After that you told James that you would talk to him later and then you went over to Aaron and you punched him in the face as well.
~{ time skip to your dorm}~
"Oh my goodness y/n are you alright" john said scanning every inch of your body. "He didn't do anything did he because if he did then I can always talk to professor Washington" Alex said. "Hold on, guys I'm glad that you are making sure that y/n is ok but y/n.... why do you have so many weapons" Herc asked you putting both his hands on your shoulders. "That's a long story" you said. "We have time" Alex, Laf, Herc, and John all said at the same time.

~{ oh. My. Goodness. That took sooooooo long to write. Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book it means so much to me. And also please please PLEASE. Go and read my contest chapter of this book and vote which book you want me to write and tell me in the comments. Ok bye and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night :3 }~

Forever yours    John Laurens X Reader college AU Where stories live. Discover now