Chapter 6 A Piece of Cake?

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I woke up the next day and did my homework for that week and ran the errands necessary for the upkeep of the apartment. It was uneventful until Alicia and I decided to go to dinner in town that night. She was unaware of the little twist I had decided to make on our dinner in town.

Alicia insisted I wear a low cut lace skater dress she had bought me for my birthday and I failed to resist when I got dressed. It wasn’t a very fancy place, but it was nice enough for me to wear a pair of pumps. I seemed to be wearing them much more often lately.

“Hurry up Alicia!” I yelled as I waited by the door, scrolling through my tumblr nonchalantly.

“I’m coming!” She yelled back, walking in while trying to put her earrings in. “You’re driving, I just painted my nails,” She said and I nodded picking up my keys. Alicia wore a pair of jeans and high black ankle booties. Her light pink blouse showing off her cleavage and showing off her gorgeous curves.

We hopped into my car and drove to the restaurant that was about a ten minute drive from us.

“Reservation for Morgan?” The Hostess asked and Alicia nodded while trying to nonchalantly dry her nails. “Right this way,” She said as she led us to our table. We sat down and I immediately whipped out my phone. The little surprise should almost be here by now. She scanned over the menu as I hastily texted Drew to come right away.

“Will you get off of your phone and be more social Marina, I mean Jesus we are paying how much for this meal!” She said in a scolding tone. Seconds later I got the text from Drew I was hoping for.

I’m here

 I smiled up at her and she gave me a weird look before looking towards the door. Her eyes bulked when I knew Drew was walking towards us and I smiled. He stood in front of our table and she tried and failed to keep the look of surprise to herself.

“Um, why uh, hi Drew,” She said stuttering as I tried not to choke on my water.

“Hello ladies, I was wondering if I could sit with you? If it’s not a problem,” he said glancing in my direction. I took my cue with a smile and stood up.

“That is perfectly fine, I actually have a HUGE test to study for anyways, so you two enjoy,” I said with a small white lie whilst winking at  Alicia as she tried to hold back a grin. I quickly walked out of the restaurant with the hostess looking at me highly confused when I did. I grinned to myself as I walked down the quiet deserted sidewalk to my car. I daydreamed about my best friends who were waiting at home (Ben & Jerry) while opening my car door which was slammed by an unknown hand.

I stared in shock and was planning to turn around and hand the guys ass to him when I was quickly spun around and pushed against my car. I gasped in horror and was about to land a punch on my attacker when I caught a glint of dirty blond hair. I immediately dropped my curled up fist and silently cursed myself. I needed to recognize him faster if this was going to be happening more often.

“You’ve got to be careful out here alone looking like that princess,” Kyle whispered in my ear and I shuddered before my brain screamed at my body to get away.

“I think it’s the other way around,” I whispered back and he glowered leaning into me. I snapped to attention and immediately backed up, pushing him away. “What do you want Bleu,” I stated more than questioned.

 “How did this go from me not knowing your name to you knowing my last name,” he said as he tried to push me back against my car. I resisted and kept my gaze taught.

“Everyone knows the biggest douche on campus’ name,” I said with bite before walking away. He quickly grabbed my wrist like I vaguely remembered from last night and I had to force my natural reaction to palm strike him into the back of my mind.

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