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So here's the thing;

Taehyung likes Lisa who is liked by Jungkook who is liked by Chaeyoung.

Can it get anymore obvious?

Yes, Taehyung finally came to the conclusion that he's in deeper than he wanted to be, even cried in Jin's arms when he realized it.

'This wasnt part of my plan'

A caring pat in the back and the usual whisper of comfort.

'I only wanted to be a normal fan, h-how the fuck did it end up like this?'

A rather rough pat in the back and a murmur of distaste.

'I dont want to fight with my dongsaeng, how do I uninstall feelings h-hyung?'

A sigh. A knowing sigh. An 'Im sorry' sigh.

Meanwhile, Lisa's been hanging out a lot with Jinhwan. Hanbin and Bobby's been busy with iKON's music, so they were gone most of the time, leaving Lisa with Jinhwan.

There was a time when the two were eating at a restaurant when Jungkook called. It was a pretty interesting event to be honest.

"Lisa," Jinhwan spoke up after swallowing his food. "Can I ask you your ideal type?"

"Of food?"

Jinhwan chuckled, "No, of a guy. A boyfriend."

Lisa's mouth formed an 'o' shape before thinking suddenly.

"A really romantic guy."

Jinhwan hummed, signaling for the blonde to continue.

"Someone who would do anything for me. Someone who's, i dont know, head over heels for me? Like it would be really cute and amusing. Easier for me too," She laughed.

"But also the type who's protective and who would scold me when im wrong. Someone who would just go with my weirdness or rudeness. Someone who's willing to do cheesy couple things with me."

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