explanation + alternative ending

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I know i said im not going to explain but the comments got to me haha

So basically, one year passed, and bp became a guest at the show idol lounge. (Within the span of that year, liskook became a thing secretly, but they also ended not long after)

At this side of the previous chapter was kookie's side of the story. They were at a fanmeeting and he was caught on his phone. A fan asked who he was 'texting' but in reality he was just looking at his pictures with lisa. He just nodded and got embarrassed. Now when someone asked who it was and if it was the person he talked about the previous day (on the previous day they were at a interview and thats when he announced his relationship with rosé, and if you would read further you would see on bp's interview part seungri said that bts announced something big the previous day and the fans chanted rosekook. Thats why. So the bp guesting and this fanmeeting happened at the same day) he just nodded though it was really lisa. When he was describing rosekook's 'relationship' since fan asked he was actually describing his relationship with lisa, and when taehyung was butting in he was also talking about how liskook acted back then and how lisa is as a partner, hence the 'even though the person he's talking about is different from who people think he's talking about'. Yea, taehyung knows about the fake relationship.

The fake relationship is rosekook, obvs. Rose saw how the lisa and kook were so down and offered the deal without any romantic feelings for jungkook, just the need to help. Which is a stupid move. Idek. They did that to make lisa jealous but it didnt work at all and at the ending part, she wanted it to stop bc it wasnt doing anything but kook was too blinded with wanting lisa back to properly think. Then jennie comes in and real talked him. A tear escaped kook's eyes. Lisa saw it, and teared up too since she didnt really want to leave jungkook but she had to. For some reason. That i cant tell.

Yes, lisa left jungkook. Thats why it led to fake relationships. Thats the main explanation. Okay?

At the song part, which is actually the theme song, it gave more insight to what happened after they 'broke up'. It was more on jungkook's perspective though. Their relationship related to the lyrics. Read that again and youll understand. Hopefully.

So thats basically it. If its still messy, comment your questions here and ill answer.

One of the reasons why i made the ending like this is bc i didnt want this story to be boring or too predictable. I also didnt want this story to reach 30 parts so i cut the chapters short but now its 30 parts bc of this and its sad haha but its okay.


(i hope you guys will like this. not that good in all honestly, but im pretty proud of it. thank you for reading whipped.)

one year later

They were there, lying on the grass and looking up at the sky.

He was there, arms wrapped around the girl of his dreams with an unconcious smile evident in his lips.

She was there, hands on his and ears on his chest; listening to his heart beat.

If you would tell Jungkook three years ago that its possible to be this happy, he wouldve cried and punch you in the face for making him hope.

If you would tell Lisa that her future boyfriend has the best kind of personality (and freakishly attractive visual), she wouldve rolled her eyes and sass you. For real.

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