Chapter 32: Hard To Get

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Anne's Pov

"Why are you lying to me?" He asked me as my hand was still intact with his. I was scared. No. Nervous, right now. Why is Nicholas here? Did Brice sent him to keep an eye on me? What happened? Did something wrong happened at London? My mind was full of questions right now. Does he know? I quickly stared at my hand and struggled. 

"Milady, please. Why aren't you happy to see me?" He asked as I teared up a bit. I did miss him but I'm too young for him. We can't be together. I knew that. The world was cruel. He was 17 and I'm just nine years old. If only I was a tad older though. "Nich, you're scaring the girl. Let her go," I heard someone say as she approaches Nicholas. 

That must be his girlfriend. 

I quickly pulled my hand out of his grasp and ran out of the cafe. I heard him yelled out my name as I wiped the tears from my face. One, two, until I couldn't count them anymore. It kept coming as I was still wiping the marks it made. I didn't know why I felt this way. I'm too young for him. I shouldn't feel this way, I should be happy for him. I looked back as he was still staring at me. 

He was looking at me with those sad eyes. He looks like he was pleading for me not to leave. Should I really do this? Leave him? Damn my heart. I then mouthed him "I'll see you soon." He nods as he slowly followed the girl. I felt a bit jealous but I just shook it away. I shouldn't. After all, it was forbidden to love. 

A royal must find their perfect royal match. Not a mere citizen.

I wasn't from a royal family. I'm just a citizen. A peasant for the royalty. Why must the world be cruel? Making such rule like that. Why can't love be free? I quickly walked off and went home. There wasn't left to do anyways. They look cute together back at the cafe too.

"I'm back! Sorry, I had to buy myself some coffee," I said as I went inside. 

"I've been waiting for too long. Well, that doesn't matter anyways. Atleast you're back."

Nicholas' Pov

I saw her mouthing me words. I can't understand her actually. She's too far away. "Milady...why?" I quickly mouthed as I saw her walking away. I then felt a pat from behind. I turned around and saw Casvielle looking at me. "Are you alright mate? You look a bit sad. Do you know her?" She asked me as she pointed at Anne. I quickly nodded. 

"She was my only one. Apparently, she just left me and here I am, wondering what I've done wrong," I said as she nods in understanding. "Oh dear, I'm sorry Nich. She's probably shocked that you're here. Give her some space." I quickly nodded as she then points to a table. "Here's your coffee and sit there. I'll just talk to that girl over there," she then pointed to a girl who was waving at our direction. I then went to the table and sat on a chair beside it. I looked at Casvielle as she was having a chit chat to the girl. I then saw her getting an encyclopedia or dictionary.

She then waves the girl off and went over to me. "So, I just got a book. This is called a dictionary!" She said, smiling to me. "Milady, no offense, but I already know that's a dictionary." She quickly gave me an awkward smile and nods. She sat on a chair and then opened it. "So, um...have you read a dictionary before?" She asked me as she rubs the back of her neck. I nodded once again. I have read some dictionaries on Prince Brice's shelf before and the other ones back at my lord's. 11 from Brice and 21 from my lord to be exact. 

"Alright, do you know the term "phone" by any chance? Not that I'm telling you you're not much from here and all. Just asking," she said as I thought about it. I have heard that once. I'm pretty sure from one of Brice's dictionaries.

"Was that the one I last read? The one that has a meaning "a speech sound; the smallest discrete segment of sound in a stream of speech" milady or was it the "technology used for communicating"? I'm not entirely sure." She looks at me, shocked. "Was it something I said milady?" I asked her as she sips her coffee. "No, not really. Are you sure you're not a robot or something? How can you memorize every meaning and not entirely missing any lines?" She asked as I smiled.

"Well, I did study dictionaries a while back. I mean, I borrow Prince Brice's dictionary and studied them for about four years," I said as she looks at me shocked. "So, that studied every dictionary in each day?" I nodded. She quickly took another sip and looked around. "Was it hard for you?" She asked as she smiled back again. I agreed and looked around. I was sure that Anne already went home. I then heard Casvielle standing up as she fixed her chair back. 

"Well, time to get out this cafe. We have a lot of tasks at hand and I'm sure the ambassador will release his fumes once he saw us here just chilling and doing nothing." I stood up as she went outside and looked around. "Milady, where exactly are you going?" I saw her walking towards where Anne went. "To your home. I hope you're a nature lover. We haven't got any space left here so the ambassador might tuck you in for nature for now," she said, turning around, facing me. I nodded as I smiled at her. "I don't mind it much milady. You have done so much." She waves her hand off like it was nothing.

"No mate. It was nothing. It's the least we could do!" She said as she went downside the woods. "Come on! It's not that far," I heard her saying as I followed her. I quickly realized that my cat was left at Brice's. "Milady!" I called out to her. She quickly turned around and looked at me, confused. "What is it Nich?" She asked me as I puffed.

"I forgot my cat." She quickly smiled as she rolls her eyes. "No, your cat is already at home! In fact, it's probably drinking the milk I gave her earlier. Come on now! You don't want her to keep waiting, do ya?" She asks as she chuckles. I quickly followed her, seeing a cabin not far from the road.

 I quickly followed her, seeing a cabin not far from the road

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"Well, this is it! She must be waiting for you. Go on!" She quickly pushed me inside as I went in. I saw some furniture and some decorations. "Oh dear, I forgot about the bags! Silly me mate. Let me get it for you, alright? For now, just relax or explore a bit." I then saw her waved and left. I was about to ask her something but I saw her walking back. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to explore a bit on my new home. I saw my cat looking at me as she sips the milk on her bowl. I sighed and patted her head. She purred as I quickly looked at the stairs. It was quite dusty but still good to walk on.

"Might as well start upstairs."

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