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It had been days since his death.

There was a side of me that couldn't accept it while another felt like there was something wrong here. I mean, Brice was smart. I'm sure that he couldn't have fallen in the trap of Augustus.

But, I was thinking of the slight possibility. I know that being the prince would mean tasks to take to actually be crowned King. Sadly, he didn't live long enough to be a ruler.

To be honest, I just came back to get all of my things and return back to London. With Azaila on this state, it would be impossible that she could take on Augustus. She cannot move her right leg anymore so Anne and I decided to volunteer.

Though, I insisted that we'd take turns. I would be the first one to go back to Finland, while Anne goes after I come back. Ordering her to assist Azaila everytime and not leave her alone in the room was easy. Not guarding them both was the hard part for me.

I asked Casvielle if they had it but she told me she had never visited the place after Brice's death. At first, I really thought that my master had found out my home and take the files. But then I realized, the ambassador, Casvielle, and Anne were the only ones who knows this place.

My phone rang, my eyebrpws furrowed at that point. Now, who would call me while I was busy?

Thinking that it was Anne, I took it out and answered, "Hello?"

"Nicholas," a familiar voice called me as my eyes widened. Looking around to make sure that nobody was listening, I sat on the bed - my hands massaging my temples after that.

"Quincy, I thought that something bad happened to you," I told her as she reassured me that she was alright. There were a lot of things that I want to ask her but she kept on silencing me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Knowing that she could probably oblivious to the situation, I said, "Augustus was the one who put that poison on Brice's tea."

"We know."

There was a slight pause between us. What did she mean by that? Blinking for a few times, I decided to finally question her, "We?"

"The authorities know as well."

"Are you sure? Then if they already know, why don't they-"

"Majesty's orders."

I took the phone away for a few seconds before answering her, "Prince Brice is already dead. Surely you want to avenge him."

It was weird to hear Quincy saying 'Majesty's orders' when there was no one royal enough except for Navii. Unless, she wants to finally avenge her own brother. Though, I was thinking she would since I couldn't see her at the castle.

"Augustus is already at the point of having his own karma anyway."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see."

My eyes wandered around the room, not knowing what to say. We were silent for a few minutes before I heard a few rumbles from the other line. A girl's voice rang out - making me realize that it was indeed the princess' voice on the line.

"Have you seen the note under the table?" she asked, making my eyebrows furrowed.

"What note?"

Navii then calls her name, making her leave so suddenly and bidding goodbye. "Look, Nicholas, I have to go."

"Go back to London. The war's not over."

"Quincy? Hello?" I asked her before I suddenly heard her hanging up the call - ending it with a beep.

Sighing loudly, my eyes darted over the desk. There was nothing there anymore except for papers from the university. Knowing that Quincy gave me a hint, I stood up and approached it - looking under the table.

A sticky note and a gun.

Pulling both off, my heart beats fast when I examined the gun. This wasn't any ordinary gun. This was one of the guns Brice had stored away for emergencies. It could be the princess' who actually put it here, considering that no one would give me Brice's gun.

And on the sticky note, there was only a small message.

'Royals must punish those who oppose the King. Taking back the throne is declaring a royal war. Loyalty to the royalty, I shall trust, Nicholas Marshall.'


Decided to end it shortly since I would revise it anyway. Love lots. See you on the actual revision of this book. 💕😍

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