Chapter 46: Last Message from the Majesty

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There was a bit of hesitation on Anne's eyes when we had our first confrontation about Brice. I knew that her visit wasn't a coincidence.

The shock plastered on her face already made it possible for me to think of conclusions while she sat down on the sofa, thinking more about what she has to say.

Her fingers fidgeted and lips trembled as she stared at me.

There were no words that left her mouth at that time so I was the one who had to ask her.

She just gave me a frown afterwards, putting up the letter that she had in her bag.

"He wrote his own message on every starting letter of each paragraph," she told me as she then showed me every letter that was capitalized on each of the first sentences.

Brice was witty, that's a fact. But sending such message for us to decode was already something else.

I couldn't help but purse my lips at that. There was no way that Brice could have left this unless it was an emergency and he doesn't want anyone to know about this.

His life must be in danger for him to actually do this - and he doesn't want to let the killer know that he had been giving hints already.

Taking the letter from her hands, I gave Anne a second glance.

"What does it say then?" As soon as I held my gaze on the letter, she softly spoke.

"He will kill me." My eyes became blurry after that as if I had lost the sense to focus. "That's what he said."

Making sure I read it out loud, my lips still felt dry and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

Dear Anne,

How was Finland? There must be a few photos stocked in your phone already. Considering that I gave you that, and you're always ecstatic on travelling, you had probably ruined your storage. Don't worry, I'll be fine for now. There's no need for you to worry about me and Azaila. We have been making such large progress. Augustus, as usual, always throw a fit since his butler isn't here. Though, I'm still keeping him in check.

Entrusting you with other people might seem weird but you'll fit in eventually. I'm sure about that. It was the only way to make sure that you're learning a lot and not trapped inside the castle. Maybe live a little for once? I mean, Nicholas is with you. Both of you should enjoy the country's offers. After all, I did make you both inseparable.

When the time comes, you both could come back here in London. I'm jsut fixing a few problems here, that's one of the reasons why I made such decision. Call me a coward but I just don't want any of you getting injured because of it. Or maybe I'm just being too overprotective?

I thought that it would be the best anyway. Both of you are not involved in this mess and I don't want you to try to include yourselves into this. You and Nicholas could enjoy your lives without being dragged into such childish acts.

Looking back at the memories, I'm glad that you and Nicholas met that day. Azaila and I can see the sparks on both of you when you're spending your time with each other often. There are still a lot to bloom on that friendship of yours and I'm here to support it until it grows into something else. I don't know, maybe love?

Love isn't something you should fear, Anne. There are a lot of things that you can learn from it. And of course, it's not all about the greatness in one person. It's all about finding their imperfections and watch them grow into better versions of themselves to make you happy.

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