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"I hate this." The platinum blond scowled as he averted his eyes to his shoes. Beside him, Hoseok seemed fidgety and just nervous while Namjoon was outside to finish the transaction with his fiancée's ex-boyfriend. He has nothing against the man himself except for being her first love but there's still poison in his mouth when he thinks about it. Call him selfish, jealous or over-possessive but there really is no denying the feeling.

The door opens and Namjoon sits on the the backseat, a black briefcase in his hands as he gestures for Yoongi to start the car and leave. The older man looks over his shoulder and sees the silhouette of the man outside in the pouring rain before starting the drive away. If he focused hard enough, the blond could see him raise a hand in farewell.

The sound of the rain calms him somewhat; distracts him from the mess that is his life and the questions that plague his mind. A little while later when the skies darken, Hoseok has dozzed off while burying himself in his jacket while the blond at the back is looking at the cctv footage that Jinyoung gave him on a laptop with pursed lips. Yoongi can hear the faint sounds of what he's watching but his focus is on the road until he hears a gunshot and the man swear.

"Why didn't she tell us?" There's annoyance in the younger man's voice as he rewinds the footage. "That damn son of a bitch; I thought he was dead."

His swearing wakes the sleeping man who looks worriedly at him and reaches for a file at the back, scanning the paper. Soon enough, both of them were muttering curses under their breaths that the driver couldn't help but be annoyed. They stop but not before telling him to follow this one address that happens to be 2 hours away from their current location, disregarding his slightly drowsy state.

On the drive there, he's given a brief summary of what they've read and seen. The man who had ambushed Tiffany had been the same man who attempted to assasinate Jisoo and the three girls several days before and from what the oldest has gathered, Namjoon knows him very well. Right now, the other members of BB are in Singapore, waiting for their instructions on whether it would be safe to move but they doubt it to be that way. The Ahn girl that Jennie was investigating happened to work at their current destination, was killed by some clan under GX and was avenged by someone who was related to BB, thus triggering the entire predicament. When Hoseok shows Yoongi the picture of Ahn Doyeon, his suspicions are correct but he can't tell them yet. He'll move when he finally talks to his fiancée, considering that every move both of them could have an effect on them both.

Several cup noodles and soft drinks later, they arrive in front of a large white building in an inconspicous neighborhood in Seoul with the words 'The Roosevelt' written on the gate infront of it. The rain had lessened to a drizzle and his urge to sleep is still strong. There were more elaborate and taller buildings around it that they almost didn't notice it. They have no prior information about this building but for the sake of every BB member, they go in and are given directions to the lobby once the guard realized who they were.

The lobby is the epitome of cleanliless and sophistication, antique pieces littered the large room. There were several love seats and coffee tables, caperted with very soft material and in the middle of it all was a chandelier that made the room seem more extravagent. Behind the desk was a rose design made from what they assumed was gold, and on the counter itself was a young woman who stopped using her computer. The receptionist looked like she was of average stature and had long brown hair, black contacts, a white bottom-down blouse, a pencil skirt and a polite smile. And yet, they all felt out of place in there.

"Welcome to the Roosevelt, Mr. Min, Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung," she greeted them. "How may we be of service to you?"

The three men shared uncertain glances at each other, all knowing that they have never set foot on this building and yet she knows them. Finally, Namjoon walks to the receptionist and returns the smile.

"May I inqure about Ahn Doyeon?"

It was only then did he realize that the receptionist had a finger hovering over a button and had removed it when he voiced his question. Smiling a bit more knowingly, she gestured for them to take a seat while she called for someone who could cover her shift and answer their questions. It isn't until she was leading them to a room that seemed like a library did they remember what Doyeon's proffesion was.

There's a cup of coffee for each one of them while the receptionist sits across them.

"Hello, my name is Kwon Yuri. What do you want to know?"


Jin nudged the girl on the balcony and offered her a cup of hot chocolate when he noticed her spacing out. "Rosé, you're not doing any help if you're just going to sulk."

"I'm sorry, Seokjin-ssi." She apologizes while taking a cup, exhaustion visible on her features. "It's just that..."

"You never expected to have a job in which your life is always on the line?"

Despite the bluntness, the girl chuckles and nods because that's exactly what she's thinking. He doesn't blame her for having 'The Stare' but she's seen things she shouldn't have. The man had developed a fondness for her, causing him some guilt in dragging her into their world when his only intention was for his sister to have a familiar face around.

She's lost in her thoughts once more so he nudges her again and jerks his chin towards the door of the room. "They're all inside. You should sleep now too."

"How is Taehyung and Jungkook?"

There's a pained gleam in the man's eyes as his jaw clenched but he forced a smile when she left the balcony, carefully scrutinizing his face. "They're on the way."

Seeing how pained Seokjin was at the mention of his brothers brought about a painful yearning on the Strawberry-blonde's chest at the thought of her older sister. She's recalled countless sleepless nights, hoping and praying that she could see her Alice unnie again but it still hasn't come. She takes a deep breath and wills the thought away as he leads her to her bedroom with Jennie and watches as he awkwardly stands behind her.

"Thank you, Seokjin-ssi." Rosé smiles softly, meaning it with all her heart. "You should rest too. Your siblings would want that." And with that, she entered her room with hopes of sleep.

The tall man lingered for several moments before quietly walking through the hallway of bedrooms, the sound of his footsteps only accentuating his mixed feelings about the current situation. Lisa and Jisoo's were next, and he tries not to recall the puffy eyes of his brother's girlfriend and his sister's heartbroken expression. He hasn't talked to the Thai girl yet but he could definitely see sincerity and love whenever she looked at his half-brother. Next was Jimin's, and until now, he has no idea on what to think of the short man. There's a part of him that's still suspicious of him for some reason but they've reached this far without incident so he should calm down a bit. Then again, he doesn't fully trust Lisa either for some reason.

He opens his bedroom door, locks it behind him and drops to his bed as soon as the beginning of a migraine starts to form in his head. The bed is soft and inviting while his limbs ache and beg him to sleep but goddammit, there's his Taeyeon-noona's voice again, breaking as she asks him why he did it and he feel the tears forming in his eyes. She couldn't hate him, even if she had every right to do so.

He had no other choice; it was either them or his family. It had always been that way with the Kims anyway. Yet why did tears continue to fall down his cheeks?

"You need to do this." His father's voice rang in his ears as he aimed. "It's either your siblings or them."

When Jin pulled the trigger, it wasn't just his nephew that died. So did his innocence.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now