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{3 years ago}

Beep, beep, beep.

The ringing of her phone had woken her up at 1:34 in the morning, causing a very tired and drowsy Kim Jisoo. There were several missed calls from unregistered numbers, she realized before looking at who was calling. The contact name made her smile: Sugar. She can call back all the others later, she noted before answering his call as she sat up, yawning.

"Is the world ending for you to be this early, Sugar?"

His low chuckle which she adored made her melt inside. "Why 'sugar'?"

A smile crept up in her features as she pushed her hair back with her hand. The nickname stuck far longer than his original nickname of 'Gloss.'

"Didn't you call me weird or freak once?"

Jisoo could practically see his amusement from his tone. "And what does that have to do with 'Sugar'?"

"Your love is like a sugar rush and I can't ever get enough." She drowsily sang, making sure her voice was quiet to not wake anyone else in the household. "You're my sugar rush and you're everything that I need. You give me happiness, energy and laughter."

"Sap." Yoongi remarked fondly, feeling his cheeks flush.

Taking another look at the wall clock and a longing one at her blanket, she pushed it off so she wouldn't fall asleep on him. "Why'd you call me this early in the morning, oh the Great and Genius Min Yoongi?"

"I've been waiting by your window for the past half hour so if you could let me in for a sec, that'd be great. Also, I wanted to go to Mcdonalds."

The black-haired girl blinked twice before her mind registered the fact that he was being reckless and could get hurt, muttering his name under her breath while opening the window. Sure enough, her platinum blond-haired boyfriend was crouching there with a gummy smile on his face.

"Yah! Get in here, you could fall!"

He smiled cheekily as he crept in silently. "Didn't I already fall for you?"

Jisoo pouted, checking for any injuries on him. He loved her for a lot of things, her care and concern among them and so he pecked her temple and held her hand.

"So about McDonalds..."

The girl hit his arm lightly. "Oppa will kill us if we sneak out."

"And your parents?" Yoongi asked conversationally as he intertwined their fingers together.

"Umma's on a business trip and Appa's out of the country." There was a slight edge on her voice and he understood the rest of the words that didn't leave her lips.

Knowing that he'd prefer to not experience the eldest Kim's wrath, he nods sagely. "Some other time then, but I really am hungry, jagiya."

"I'm sure there's something in the fridge, oppa."

He lets himself be led by her out of the room, passing by all of her brothers' rooms. From the corner of his eye, the master bedroom door was slightly ajar but he doesn't mention it.

She could hear the rain falling and the urge to ask him how he got on the roof was there but she repressed it. Sometimes it's just better to go with the flow, especially given her life so far.

They found a half-eaten chocolate cake, spaghetti carbonara and some garlic bread which they popped in the microwave to warm it. Someone having a midnight snack wasn't really an uncommon sight in the house, with the usual perpetrator being Seokjin.

His phone flashes with a message from his brother. The look of distaste hadn't gone unnoticed.

"You should go." Jisoo says, guessing that was what it was about.

"No, it's fine." It's just a white lie and what she doesn't know won't kill her. He just wants her to be as far away from the profession as possible.

The blond softens when she averts her gaze. They both didn't ask for this.

"I made a song about the rain a couple of days ago." He says lightly. "You wouldn't mind lending me your voice again?"

Yoongi holds firm in the belief that his girlfriend has the sweetest voice in the world. The Kims all had deep, rich and sweet voices that you could drown in and try as she might to deny it, he'd keep on telling her. It was one of the reasons why they got together, anyway.

Thankful for the change of topic, her smile becomes fond. "How can I ever say no to my sugar?"

When they looked at each other, it would be with absolute awe and love. It was the love that the poets and artist tried in vain to portray, no one could give it justice except for themselves.

Jisoo stands from her seat, extending a hand to her boyfriend. "Dance with me, oppa?"

While singing and rapping were their two stronger points but their dancing would 'risk world peace', to quote Taehyung. He'd have refused but her pout was just too irresistible.

But Yoongi was stubborn. And he actually liked how comfy his chair was.

"And what music will we dance to? We can't play any."

"The rain and our heartbeats."

His grin grew wider at her response as he took her hand and pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist as she put her arms around his neck. They swayed along together, her head on his chest and his face buried in her hair, forgetting the problems they were currently facing. They have each other.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora