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"The fuck were you doing?"

Her mouth contorts into a snarl as she gives him a glare but upon deciding that he wasn't worth her time, she diverted her gaze. "You shouldn't care about what happens in my life anymore, Yoongi-ssi."

The honorific stung. "You don't get to decide how I should feel in the matter, but I'm not letting you go until you get your common sense back. An investigative journalist out of all people, Jisoo?"

She knows that it was risky, merely going out was getting risky nowadays but she could never bring herself to refuse Jungkook's suggestions, what with how his eyes light up and a smile that tugged her heartstrings? It was supposed to be safe, with them discreetly going to a book store to just pick out some books when Jisoo felt someone staring at her. When she realized that it was Yoongi, she dragged him off to a corner of the store after apologizing to her brother and suggesting that he should go home. Only when she was sure that he was safe did she even think to notice Yoongi's presence.

"I care for him."

The brunet bit his lower lip hard, almost enough to bleed. It was clear that Jisoo cared for him, she wouldn't risk leaving the house several times just to see him if he didn't. But other than these past few outings, the two haven't met. He knows for a fact that his ex-girlfriend isn't one to fall so quickly but a small voice in his mind taunted him. What if she does?

"Don't hurt him. If you still care about me, then do me this one thing."

For a second, her features soften into something akin fondness. That one plea was enough for him to decide to grant her request yet it doesn't answer why she would go this far for that Jeon. Before he could muster out another word, she turns her heel on him and leaves.

Scoffing at the missed opportunity, Yoongi pulls out his phone and opens an app. A navy blue pin, representing his target, beeping towards the same university he once went to about 4 years ago. Quickly switching to the next app, he skimmed all the files he's retrieved about Jungkook yet finds no anomaly or suspicious detail.

Which brings him back to his main question: what was so special about Jeon Jungkook that she would put herself on the line just to see him?

Perhaps jealousy tinted his perspective on the matter, yet Yoongi knew Jisoo inside and out. A Kim always had an ulterior motive and they would map out their plan before actually moving. He spent the past two years reflecting and connecting the dots in between Jisoo's uncharacteristic or queer actions, which made him fairly confident in his abilities to answer most of the problems she left him with. Still, the headaches and heartaches she gave him was such a bitch.

Sighing, Yoongi massages his temples. "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing, Kim Jisoo?"


"No, and that's an order, Jung Hoseok."

The black-haired man scowls up at his superior when he tried to pass. Things have been going to shit more often than not these days. They can't just let this go unnoticed or else they'll be the ones receiving the fall out. After shoving past him, Namjoon halts at his inquiry.

"And what did Jin-hyung say about this?"

Hoseok felt his blood run cold upon feeling the blond's sharp eyes on him. "He doesn't need to know; and you aren't going to say a single word about it."

"Bull-fucking-shit." The older man snapped. It just wasn't right anymore, and to disregard all the casualties? "A whole platoon of our recruits was massacred and you think he doesn't need to know!?"

Before Namjoon could retort, a brown-haired man stormed in. His coal-black eyes took in the scene, taunting them to lie to his face.

"We have the right to know what happens, especially if it's as serious as this." then to Hoseok. "When and which?"

Hoseok felt Namjoon's cold glare on him and wondered what tortures the younger man thought was suitable for snitching. "10 days after Han was killed. Platoon IV."

"Shit," Taehyung hissed as he grabbed his phone. "They were the best recruits we ever had. And who's the fucker who did it?"

It was Namjoon who answered through gritted teeth.

"It was Yoon."


"This is utter bullshit." The platinum blond remarked blandly. The stench of hair dye permeated the air but his companions were too wary to comment on it.

Something compelled him to bleach his black hair into platinum blond again, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why. Perhaps it was nostalgia since the Kims invited him to join them in Santorinni. Considering the duo and Taehyung's spur-out-of-the-moment arrival, he thinks it's far that they can't pester him with too much questions.

Taehyung had been absent from the Kim residences as a result of an 'important matter' in Kuala Lumpur and then sent to Yoongi for 'guidance'. At first, he was confused but then he realized that Seokjin wanted him to be ready for any scenario. Even ones where he wouldn't be in the picture.

'Make sure he knows what he's doing. Jisoo can't be too involved in this.'

He remembers the ring Mrs. Kim handed to him before focusing on the journalist-officer duo. He'll have to give it back someday, but he can't bring himself to imagine how the conversation would go considering he'll have to explain why he has it. While Seokjin was accepting of their relationship, their friendship turned a little awkward after the breakup. Yoongi looked up to him, and the older man was fond of him even if he was skeptical at the start of their relationship, Seokjin became good friends with him. The only time there was a falter in their friendship was after the breakup but they were amicable. And there was also the time Yoongi had broken a Mario figurine of his, which gave the younger man's wallet quite the beating.

Taehyung nervously excused himself out of the house when Officer Kim started shouting about how the Kims were good at hiding their tracks. If it was a lunatic screaming bloody murder about his family or just anyone screaming in general, Taehyung quickly backs away and lets someone else take care of the matter. It amused Yoongi at first, but it was immediately forgotten as the officer near-literally flipped his house upside down.

Hoseok owes him for that, given how Jennie doesn't have a proper warrant. He nearly begged Yoongi on the phone to let her search because she had 'something incriminating about him' that could 'destroy his life'. While reluctant, the older man was willing to do anything for his best friend though it baffled him why Hoseok didn't just throw her to the fishes like he did to most nosey people.

Now, Jennie seemed satisfied that she thoroughly looked at everything so she returned to watch Jimin over his shoulder. He was tapping away at Yoongi's database, which could prove he had none or minimal contact with their girl. Jimin was now printing every information or mentions of Ahn Doyeon and the men found murdered to avenge her.

The journalist ripped the papers out once it finished printing and scowled.

"What is it?"

He jabbed his finger on a single date and a sentence. It was dated 4 years ago, and there seemed to be no other recorded history of the identity.

"How the fuck did this pass through your team, Kim?" Jimin demanded.

Jennie swore under her breath, eyes sharp as daggers. "Damn corrupt subordinates. A fake fucking identity."

He watched their exchange with mute interest, knowing that this information could be utilized later on. Resting his eyes on the picture of Ahn Doyeon, he was hit by a startling realization. Perhaps Yoongi was seeing things or he was on to something. By in any case, he knows, and they don't even notice.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now