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"I really shouldn't be doing this."

Jimin doesn't even look up from his phone, only doing so when he hears her jump and land gracelessly on her ass. He laughs at her before making his way and grabbing the files she needed on the top self, helping her up with his free hand. She huffs away a lock of brown hair that obscures her vision while she does so.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me, I could get in trouble for this, Chim."

They both knew that the second the man went in the precinct but that didn't stop them from teaming up to solve the case. While the journalist skims the pages, the senior inspector starts speaking.

"Victim was Ahn Doyeon, aged 26 years and a natural-born Korean citizen." Jennie peers over his shoulder and spots the picture of the pretty woman before sighing, full of sympathy. "Body was found in the Han river a week ago, showing heavy signs of torture, sexual assault..."

Just before Jimin could flip the page to a picture of the body, Jennie gently halted his fingers with her hand.

"It's quite graphic."

"I've stomached worse things." He says cheerfully, eyes turning into crescents. While the police officer wanted to believe him, she knew he was putting up a front for her.

Shaking her head, she flips the page and sees the blood drain from his face. "Deep abrasions in her wrists and ankles suggesting she was being held against her will, cigarettes burned into her chest area, about 28 stab wounds and her head caved in by a club. Despite much trauma, blood loss was determined to be the cause of death."

"What an awful way to go."

He reads the information the police had gathered, lips pursed in a tight line as he looked up to meet Jennie's eyes. "A prostitute?"

The brunette nods.

"Though we haven't exactly pinpointed where she worked, it's possible she was murdered as a sort of threat or challenge to the owner or her." She clears her throat. "Look at her hands."

He complies, focusing on how the officer's fingers point to the picture. Carved into the victim's palms were the letters P, J and K. His lips return to the tight line they were before while she observes his expression through the corner of her eye.

"Is there anything else?"

"Not about her, per se." Jennie answers. "But it seems as though we've located the killers."

Jimin frowned. Homicide become much more productive when Jennie came along.

"Then why assign this case to you if we've got the perp?"

She raises her hand, presenting a picture in between her fingers. He grabs to inspect it, seeing 7 men all dead and bloody. Their bodies showed intense exterior trauma, being badly beaten. The one nearest to the camera had a white kerchief around his head.

'This is for you, Ahn.'


Taehyung looked up expectantly when he saw the door open, seeing his cousin had a troubled expression on his face.

"Well, is he dead?"

"Teeth out, fingers bleached and completely unidentifiable." The older man replies casually, almost as if he was speaking of the weather and not a person's life. Then he quickly made his way to the de facto leader who merely looked at him.

"We can't just keep killing those who oppose us." Even though he knew it was the correct option for this particular case.

The man, Han Jeonsung, had been a little shit and had been sending them death threats while cursing their thankfully dead mothers. The Kims prioritized family above all, blood and choice, and no harm would befall them unless it came to very specific circumstances.

Silence engulfed the room, and if they strained their ears, they could hear Jisoo and her little secretary converse softly through the walls.

Seokjin broke the silence. "How is she?"

"Noona can use all the guns we've let her handle so far." The brown-haired man replies, closing his eyes and trying to figure out when everything went so so wrong. "We haven't handled her papers yet and she's impatient about that."

Of course. Jisoo had been passionate about helping others but it was all too easy to track her down if she applied right now.

The two older men looks at him sharply, as if he was the one to blame for her impatience. Seokjin knew his hesitance but they had to move. "We are not going to put her at risk while the Board are scheming fuckers and our seven friends the Hyuns are opportunistic bastards, Taehyung."

The younger one doesn't even flinch, just bows his head in a show of obedience even if he personally didn't agree. They'd all be rotting in their graves by the time that happens.

"Speaking of your sister," Namjoon says lightly to change the topic somewhat. "What has she been doing? Rosé hasn't left the house at all."

"Reviewing her units mostly from what I recall," their leader replies nonchalantly. "I want this situation resolved ASAP. We need to brief the troops."

The Kim brothers walked off to his study, unaware of Namjoon biting his lower lip, thinking of the progress report he was just given.


"It's been so hard since it's been too long from the last I saw him." Jisoo's voice was barely louder than a whisper from how dry her throat was. Across her, Rosé was making coffee but heard her loud and clear.

There was a contemplative look on the younger one's features and grief in her emerald eyes.

It hurt to see her like that.

"You did the right thing."

Jisoo's eyes flickered to the small, hesitant smile on her friend's face. She musters a smile herself when the strawberry-blonde hands her the coffee. "He deserved to know."

Really, she should take comfort in the fact that she's finally acted on her promise to her mother. The look on Jungkook's face when she told him he wasn't alone both warmed her heart and broke it. He's seen so much suffering in the world, and she wasn't there for him. And despite all this, even if she knew she was doing the right thing, she was still afraid for his safety. Her world was unlike the one he had grown up in, and it tore her to pieces that she couldn't always be there to guide him.

And there was the issue of their brothers Seokjin and Taehyung. They were much more unpredictable than she remembered. How would they react to this news? Indifference? Acceptance? Flip a table or two? Kill someone?

That wasn't a pleasant thought, but she had to be open to the possibilities.

"Thank you, Rosé." She thanked her, immense gratitude and fondness for the girl who she's come to view as a friend and confidant. Her help was imperative to keep her brothers from suspecting too early.

The younger girl smiles. "If I asked you to help find my sister, I know you'd help me."

The red-haired girl takes a sip of her hot beverage, mulling over Rosé's words. A sister?

"Well, where is she?"

Jisoo realized just how beautiful Rosé was when hope bloomed in her features, her eyes getting a spark of life that they didn't have before. Still, she didn't smile.

"You aren't bluffing?"

The older girl smiles fondly at her, placing her own hand on her chest. "You have my word, Chaeyoung-ssi."

A tear trickled down her cheek but now she was smiling, a genuine, warm smile. This was the happiest the Australian girl had been in Jisoo's time of knowing her, and that was what gave her courage and determination.

"My unnie's name is Park Alice."


Author's Notes:

Happy Holidays, loves!

Hm, has anyone noticed my chaesoo bias? HAHAHAHA

The whole gang's here now!

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now