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"It's been a long time since we've had a situation like this, hyung."

Seokjin says nothing, busy with contacting his company though he has to agree. Maybe he would've been thrilled at the prospect of an even fight before but this was a dangerous game that was sure to have casualties. It's only been a few hours since Jimin and Taehyung left and they've been doing all that they could to find out who the fuck Ahn Doyeon is and what started this entire mess. He's assigned Namjoon and Hoseok to finding out who she was while Yoongi was sent to raid one of GX's warehouses with a platoon of their recruits for information. Stupid, admittedly, though he was desperate. He doesn't even want to think about his sister's face if she finds out what he made her fiancé do.

His face darkens at the thought of his siblings in danger and he nearly throws his phone at the wall when it was another unavailable call. Contemplating on whether suicide was better than being captured, Seokjin absentmindedly grabs the chocolate bar he has in his pocket but only patting empty space.

"Great. A-fucking-mazing. First Tae is injured, Jungkook is being targeted and Soo is with Taeyeon-noona and now my chocolate bar is missing?" He slaps his forehead. "I will make someone bleed for all of this."

Namjoon, who hadn't said anything after his comment was ignored, watched as his Jin-hyung mutter about 50 thousand ways to kill someone and 50 shades of blood under his breath. He was looking at Doyeon's private transactions, looking for any hint of some kind of feud or who she was affiliated with in BB.

The taller man doesn't bother to look up when the burner phone vibrates, signaling a text. A text from Rosé in fact. It was a safety precaution, so that they couldn't be tracked via phone and yet still communicate.

Chaeyoung: They've arrived and are ready. As much as Alien and Mochi are hostile to each other, they have to make it work.

Chaeyoung: They plan to go to the Roosevelt tomorrow. Keep you updated. PCY.

"That was exactly where we were abducted." Namjoon says with distaste. "Though I think Miss Kwon isn't there anymore."

"What?" It was more like a bark with the way Seokjin delivered it. Sharp and demanding. He hid his phone and faced Namjoon, a stern look on his face. He wasn't given information on how and where they were taken hostage; being left out on information kept him at a disadvantage and he hated being vulnerable.

When things were just starting, the younger man would always be intimidated by the look but now he knew how to stand his ground. He seldomly did so but when it did, it would terrify all spectators.

"Ahn Doyeon worked there and we thought of interrogating the manager of the place."

"Makes things easier for us then," Jin scoffed, lightening a bit. "What was her occupation then?"

Namjoon shakes his head, irritation at the memory. "Bullshit. She was a high class escort and the Roosevelt is a private establishment."

"Who's the owner?"

"There's no information about the owner. You think they'd be ostentatious and be bragging about it with how they decorated the Roosevelt."

Something in Seokjin's mind clicked when the last syllable left his cousin's mouth. It was hazy and he didn't care for it but he could remember his mother and aunt talked about the Roosevelt before. Something about only chosen and few people knew about the establishment and there was trouble within its walls. But before he could even open his mouth to tell Namjoon, Hoseok rushed in the room, urgency in his eyes.

"The victim..."

"What did you find?"

The black-haired man shook his head as if trying to rebuff whatever he just found out, making the two Kims snap at him impatiently. He holds up two pictures side by side and they slowly realized it.

"Ahn Doyeon isn't Ahn Doyeon." Jin says weakly. "I'm so sorry..."

"We found her."


[2 days later]

I'm so sorry.

Jisoo looks at her hands, pale and slender fingers coated in blood. There's the urge to vomit but she pushes it down her throat as she hurries to wash the evidence off her hands.

I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.

This isn't the first. Her hands would always be tainted by the crimson substance that ran through her veins and there's no forgiveness for her.

Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

There's been so much death in her life that she can't help but think she's broken. Her eyes might light up with life but they would never lose the look of a person who's just tired of it all.

There isn't any more visible blood on her person but she knows it will always be there. You can't completely remove blood from something. You can't absolve yourself from this sin. Does the child have to pay for the sins of its parents? Could you look at a child, a striking image of its parent, the same way if you knew that their parent ruined so many lives?

I'm so tired.

Her wounds have stopped bleeding but stuck in this motel, she can't do anything without endangering her family even more. There's a pang of hurt when she realizes that it's been ages since she's thought of herself first before anything else. Now was a suitable time to cry but she can't find it in herself to feel sorry for herself. Regrets can be dealt with later; she just has to survive.

Do not trust a survivor until you find out what they did to survive.

Jisoo looks at herself in the mirror, not out of vanity but to see if she really was the same person as she was when she just arrived at Korea. Her eyes were bloodshot, there was a cut on her cheek and some bruises on her arms and shoulders and she looked like she's been through hell.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Grabbing the black hair dye, which she managed to get when she was sure she wasn't being followed anymore, she made quick work with it to her hair. She took the time waiting for it to plan out her next move.

Her phone rings and she picks it up when she realizes who was calling her.

"Heartbreak hotel, huh?"

"This is no time to be picky." Jisoo says sharply, not meaning to but it came out that way.

The speaker merely laughs. "I'm not saying anything. I'll pick you up in a few. We just got a surprise recently and I figured you were in trouble."

"You're a real sweetheart." The girl says sarcastically.

"You flatter me, Lady."

Be a Queen or a Pawn. It's all your choice what you do in this world.


I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now