A Dream

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It was unbearably hot and yet Jimin felt chills down his spine. His flight or fight instincts started to kick in immediately after his senses came back to him. His wrists and ankles were strapped to a table, a bright light was shining mercilessly down on him and the cold surface of the table made him all too uncomfortable. He doesn't know whether this was worse to being strapped to that cursed chair years ago and in his foolish mind, he thought this was over.

"Chim!" Two voices chorused, voices he knew very well. The high pitched voice of a girl he loved and the deep voice of a boy he looked up to. But despite him struggling against his restraints, the reporter couldn't do shit.

He instinctively flinched when he heard a sickening crunching sound and the voices becoming frightened, pained and going quiet after a few moments. He could hear his heartbeat going crazy and he tried to keep the sounds out. It's been years, dammit, and he can't let that get to him. He got out by his own strength and luck, and he preferred to keep it that way, even if he lost those dear to him.

The bulb of the light suddenly breaks, making Jimin hiss at the brightness. He takes the time to readjust his eyes to the new lighting and he feels his heart stop beating at the spectacle in front of him.

Seated on a chair directly across him was Kim Jisoo, looking as if she hadn't been affected by their current situation. A lock was twirled in between her fingers, her lips in a slight smirk that unnerved him and her eyes were dark with malicious intent.

"Park Jimin, investigative reporter, survived hell itself from the tender age of 8 years old to 17, and yet is still afraid of the light?" She mocked; A small voice in Jimin's head was telling him that she wasn't like that but with how she was acting right now, he can't help but draw comparisons to her. "Aw, is a Kim a part of your list of phobias now?"

"QUIET!" He snapped though her cocky face didn't waver at the ferocity in his voice. "You have no fucking idea what I went through because of that!"

Jisoo chuckled while she stood up, eyes never leaving the blond. While his eyes were filled with hatred, hers were only amused.

"And that's why you came back, didn't you? Because you hated the blood that runs in my veins. But you know, killing me won't bring them back."

Her words were the truth and that only made him seethe. Jimin hated anything that reminded him of his past, and she was openly provoking him. He wasn't afraid of fighting back, especially if it was her.

Then the doctor craned her head to the side, a coy smile on her face as she pointed at something beside him.

"You know what you're supposed to do."

Those damned words made him cower like the child he was at 8 years old upon first hearing them but he knew how to fight back now. When Jimin looked at his left, he saw Jungkook looking at him with tear-stained eyes.

"Hyung, what have you done?"

Looking to his right was Jennie, pain in her features and her shirt quickly becoming bloody. He kept his eyes shut but he could clearly hear her shout into his ears.

"Jimin, no!"

The voices from before started blending in until all Jimin could hear was a symphony of tears, wails, anger and disbelief. He couldn't tune it out anymore and rising above the chaos, was Jisoo's gleeful laughter and Seokjin barking orders. The reporter covered his ears and yet the sound managed to get through that.

What? Since when was he able to move his hands? He looked once more on where she pointed earlier and saw a gun in where Jungkook was stood. He knew what he had to do.

When Jimin looked back at the doctor, there stood the two eldest Kims, proud at what they've done. He wasn't surprised; they shared the blood of a murderer and a monster that ruined lives.

Make it stop.

He aimed for the space in between Seokjin's eyes and pulled the trigger.


He woke up, sweating and writhing in bed. Bed? But wasn't the last thing he did was look for Jennie and Rosé?

His blood went cold when he meet the eyes of a man looking over him at the foot of the bed. And yet, he couldn't hate him for what happened.

"Jimin, it was just a dream, okay?"

The reporter could only blankly nod.

"Yes, Namjoon-hyung."

{A/N: Dying as of now because of the exams. I think we're halfway or 3/4s through the story now and I hope you guys won't be disappointed. There's a reason why the title of this chapter is different though.}

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now