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"Are you sure you want to do this, Pranpiya?" The brown-haired man met his girlfriend's sharp gray eyes that seemed to change color when the light hit them. It was one of the few features he first fell for.

Arm in arm, they walked down the crowded streets towards the café that Jisoo had arranged a lunch date with them at and while Jungkook was excited for Lisa to meet her, he was still uneasy about the possible dangers of meeting his older sister. Her warm hand on his arm was the only thing that kept him cool and steady.

Lisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath when the lights turned green. "Kook, I never met your parents and now that she's the one offering to meet me, how can I say no?" Her eyes turn soft as she looks at him. "I need to impress my sister-in-law, Jeon."

He flushed a vivid crimson up to his ears that made her cackle, a soothing sound to his ears as they finally reached their destination. The scent of coffee beans wafted through the air as they took in the rather vintage looking decor of the space, with its whites, blacks and browns, making his red-haired noona striking as she sat on a booth near the windows. She was absent-mindedly steering a chocolate milkshake with the straw before she noticed their arrival, giving the couple a friendly wave and warm smile.

Lisa's blonde locks hid her face as she went for a bow upon seeing her boyfriend do so.

"Annyeong, Miss Ki—"

Jisoo rested both hands on each of their shoulders, urging them to sit with a pout on her lips. "Jisoo-noona, dongsaeng."

Jungkook nodded, noting it for later as he gestured to his girlfriend. "And this is the stunningly gorgeous Lalisa Manoban, my girlfriend and love of my life."

Seeing how the two looked at each other made her smile, yet her heart twinged as she remembered her last relationship. They were just as in love as they are. Then she shakes her head and extends her hand for a handshake, to which Lisa firmly delivers.

"You have good taste in women, Jungkook." Then she looks at her. "I hope we can be friends, Lalisa-ssi. Is it okay for me to call you that?"

"I prefer Lisa, Jisoo-ssi, thank you." She answers warmly as they finally take a seat.

"Then you can just call me unnie."

Throughout the lunch, Jungkook found his guard lowering as if he's spent his entire life with them. The two women had a common goal: to care for him, and it was this common goal that gave them a sense of camaraderie that he greatly appreciated. He was embarrassed by Lisa's anecdotes of their college life and antics among other things that kept Jisoo focused on her every word but he noticed a sort of sadness on the older woman's features, probably because she wasn't there herself to witness his milestones. Sometimes, when the conversation dulls to a comfortable break, he notices the same few men walking outside the window as if on patrol. He should be thankful for the protection but it just leaves him uneasy to think that Jisoo has to be with 5 bodyguards anywhere she goes, and surely that wasn't going to be good for her in the long run. He sees the anxiety in Jisoo's eyes when she spots the guards, knowing that anyone could attack at any given time, but tried her best to drive that thought away from their minds with lavish meals that made Jungkook want to refuse because of the price but the damned pleading look in his sister's eyes made him shut his mouth and eat.

Supposedly, the plan was to get some fresh air in the nearby park when one of her bodyguards, Ryan (was it?), came and notified her of something that drained the color from her face. Jisoo smiled at them, assuring that nothing was wrong or too urgent but she had to attend to it. She was hoping to spend some more time with them but if doing so would put them in peril, then she'll have to protect them from a distance. On the way to the car, she inputs a number that she's memorized by heart, her fingers just moving almost of their own volition.

"Hello, Seo Ju Hyun, we have much to discuss."


Hoseok clenched his jaw, head reeling back from the absurdity of the situation.

"Miss Kim, I thought we had an agreement that we would not contact each other in the foreseeable future."

Outside the study, Jimin listened nervously through the wooden door as his friend from the force thought of how to articulate her purpose as concise as possible. This idea was stupid, in hindsight, especially since they didn't expect to encounter a certain Min that glowered at both of them as they went to the study just minutes prior.

"That's fucking bullshit, Hoseok." Jennie snapped, hands on her hips. "This reeks of the Kims all over."

"Officer," Yoongi interrupted with his calm voice, his dark eyes giving her a weird feeling. It was as if he didn't see her but could see right through her. "Do you have the right to enter this residence without a warrant?"

Hoseok glared at him for digging his grave early. The brunette was literally seconds from clawing his face to shreds and Yoongi was only adding fuel to his funeral pyre. There hadn't been any developments to the case in the past few weeks, until she found the bloodied rag (the victim's blood) embroided with the name 'Kim'. When questioned about it on the phone, the black-haired man denied any relation to the case because a lot of organized crime groups in Korea had the name of 'Kim' but of course, Jennie wasn't one to be deterred off her course when she knows she's in the right.

When her sharp eyes landed on his hyung, Hoseok finally decided to placate her, looking at Yoongi.

"She has the right to come here, hyung." Then to her, gently. "I just wanted a heads up, Jennie. Coming home from a hard day at work with your best friend and seeing an enraged officer charging at me isn't really a sight you see everyday."

A bit more calm but her determination not faltering, she crosses her arms in front of her chest and waits.

"Why don't you let your friend come in?"

Remembering Jimin, she freezes under Min's undecipherable gaze and Hoseok's dark one. As soon as he enters, he feels like he's not going to be leaving anytime soon. When the situation finally sunk into him, Jimin thought of three posibilities: 1. They shoot them. 2. They answer all their questions (unlikely) and 3. They turn out to be jovial people and invite them for dinner (never would happen in a million years).

When he gets the courage to look at them in the eye, he meets Yoongi's gaze and drops it.

"I know this one."

Jimin swears that he could bore a hole into his head and only breathed when Yoongi looked at his best friend.

"How well have you been guarding Jisoo?"

It was the first time he had heard his best friend say her name in years and he couldn't even understand the tone Yoongi said it in. Jennie looked at Jimin for help as she looked a little lost trying to recall the name, who could only mutely shake his head.

"With my life?" His voice went higher at the last word, knowing Yoongi would obliterate him with every single piece of evidence of his lack of guarding her.

"Not enough that seems." Ouch.

Yoongi was brutally honest, a virtue really, but not everyone appreciates the hard truth. "That little midget has a habit of attracting trouble, you see, what with her being a poor judge of character." He looks at Jimin, a sort of calculating look that made the younger man shiver. "There's no need to interview her, is there?"

His throat went dry at the inquiry, but wait, they weren't here because of Jisoo. They were here because of Jennie's case.

"We came here for Ahn Doyeon, not Kim Jisoo." He hated his voice for betraying his nervousness.

Yoongi and Hoseok share a brief glance before looking at the expectant officer and nervous journalist.

"Ahn who?"

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now