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"Lisa, wait-!"

The blonde yanked her wrist from his grip, pain and anger in her eyes as she meets his black ones. If she stays any longer, she'll give in and she can't let that happen. There's a plea in his eyes for her to stay and with him looking so pained at what she's about to do, she nearly does.

Gingerly cupping his cheek, Lisa smiled weakly and tried her hardest to remember every feature of the boy she loves. The scar of his cheek, the mole on his neck, how his eyes light up whenever he talks about something he was passionate about. She could never run out of reasons to love him.

Jungkook could see a goodbye in her smile and he'd do anything just to keep her with him. Why was she leaving him now, when he needed her the most? He was sick of being left alone, and she of all people knew that.

"Jungkook-ah." Lisa said softly, trying her best to maintain her composure. "I'm sorry that I lashed out. I'm sorry I don't have answers. But right now, that is my priority. There is so much that I don't know and what I don't know could hurt you. I..." her voice cracked. "I can't handle that, Kook."

"We don't know what to do." He says. "What makes you so sure that leaving me would help us?"

His girlfriend shakes her head sadly and kisses his lips, one for good luck. "I'll come back. Everything we know is a lie, Jungkook, and we're going to have to adapt. We have to do things we really don't want to in life but believe me when I say that I'll come back and I'll keep in touch."

He kisses her again, knowing that he couldn't change her mind. It would comfort him to know that she would be back but even Jimin hadn't come back after going after the girls. Lisa quickly backs away when Jungkook was about to hug her.

"Don't hold me, Kookie, because I won't go if you do."

His lips were pursed in a line as he assesses the heavy downpour of rain outside and gives her his jacket. She hesitates when her hand turns the doorknob and looks over her shoulder, only to see him forcing a smile, before leaving. The sound of the door closing made him think of his breaking heart.

On the other side of the door, the blonde is writhing in pain on the ground, tears in her eyes as a voice whispers in her earpiece.


Jennie was shocked.

There were multiple ways of how he'd react to when they would meet again. Cool civility; outright hostility or blunt indifference but being close to his chest and the comforting smell of his cologne is the best thing that she could ever hope for.

"Thank God," he muttered. "You're safe. Jennie-ah, you weren't hurt?"

Hoseok's concern for her was touching but she ignored it in favor of hitting his back and making a hissy fit about being kidnapped. The couple were given privacy by Yoongi and Namjoon in the room and she feels safe in his hold. Instead of complaining about it, he only laughs it off as it reminds him that his wife was concerned about him.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again... Why the fuck did you think signing up with them was a good idea?"

He rocks them, as a mother would a baby and leaves the question to float in the air. They don't have the time to think about why; they have to think of how to survive this. Thinking that he was being unusually quiet, Jennie looks up at him.

"What would you say if I asked you to run away with me to America? Or Canada?"

Taken aback by this, Jennie tries to think of what to say when he continues to ramble on.

"I think you'd like New Zealand better, considering you lived there before. We have money stocked up, so I need to know if it's a yes or no."

"Yeah, sure, why not." Is her eventual reply.

Hoseok raises an eyebrow, not expecting such display of disloyalty and slightly froze when the platinum blond shouted at them. "You're not leaving this group, you unloyal hoe!"

"He's my hoe, so he listens to me!" His wife barks back, and he's quite proud when his hyung doesn't say anything back. Then the black-haired man looks up at the clock and realizes that she's been here for an hour now. Far too long for his taste. He urges her to go home, yet she refuses to do so because Rosé texted her that she can't go back and drive her back. They make an arrangement for her to stay with Hoseok for the mean time and let her catch up to information she hasn't been privy to.

Still, while one couple was healing, others were breaking.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now