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{4 years ago}

The tears have long since dried on her pale cheeks, her brown eyes now glassy and dull as they gaze on the grass beside the newly covered graves. Yoongi stands beside her, both worried and perturbed at her lack of expression. Across them, Taehyung's clinging unto his older brother who has his head bent low as he holds Taehyung's hands for dear life.

It was unusually sunny today, he realized. Fitting for the victims of their business yet in bad taste for the Kims themselves.

"Hyung," Namjoon's hoarse voice called him. "Can you look after Jisoo for a couple of hours?"

The woman looks at them briefly before resuming her unflinching stare at the graves. Her boyfriend knew that Mrs. Kim and her haven't been on the best of terms but this was just too much.

"Yoongi." The tall blond repeats his name with more urgency.

The man nods, snaking his arm around her shoulders and worrying when she acquiesces without protest as she normally had. She would usually keep a strong façade for Taehyung but now, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

She has never felt more alone than in that moment. It was a terrible feeling, to know that Jungkook's birth was literally a secret her parents brought to the grave and she couldn't tell her brothers.

"Honey?" He prompts gently as they walk to his car. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

And there was Yoongi, who she wanted to admit everything to but couldn't because she'd put him in danger. She loved him, Dear God did she love her boyfriend but she will not put him in danger, not if she could help it.

Still, Jisoo swallows hard and forces a nod. She presses her nails deep into the palm of her hand, knowing how close she is to breaking the skin while she forces herself to think.

Umma and Appa are gone, and Jungkook's alone.

Her poor baby brother, half, granted but she values all her kin. He's so close to being evicted from his apartment (even his girlfriend can't handle the expenses) and he was considering taking a loan to pay for his tuition.

Until he can stand steady on his feet, Jisoo can take care of him. She'll assist, because that's the only thing she can do for her mother.

"Can you take me to Incheon Academy, oppa?"

He raised his eyebrow at the inquiry but still started the car. That was 45 minutes away but if that was what Jisoo wanted, then who was he to deny her? Besides, that's the most she's spoken today and it must have been urgent. Or maybe she's doing it to get her mind off the funeral.

Yoongi doesn't know why but he doesn't question her wordlessly leaving the car with purse in hand. But his gut was telling him that there was something more about this certain incident and so he followed after her. Making sure to keep close to the hedges near the cashier of the college, watching Jisoo push an envelope and follow to where the cashier pointed. She took a few steps in that direction, her expression softening. It took him a second to realize the look was of nostalgia but he knew she didn't study here, so why the face?

When his girlfriend started to turn back to the direction of the parking, he found out he could be a fast motherfucker given a specific set of circumstances. He had about 4 seconds to make it look like he wasn't doing anything before she reached the car and climbed in.

"You okay, hon?" Yoongi asked when she put the seatbelt on. He felt himself cringe when the words left his lips because her parents just died and he was asking her that damned question?

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now