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2 years ago

Sugar: Ya, where are you?

Freak: you're too short to see me in the shop?

Sugar: You were already short standing; you were sitting.

Freak: You're leaving me and this is how you're going to act?

Yoongi pursed his lips at the text, he's been more insensitive lately but her reaction is justified seeing as how he was going to leave his girlfriend of 2 years to leave the country.

Freak: I was joking, are you okay?

A forlorn smile found its way on his lips. Even when she was hurting, Jisoo still worried over him. His features softened and fondness was evident in his eyes when he saw her standing right in front of him. Her chocolate brown eyes were filled with concern as she stared at his face to try and read him, biting her lower lip. To soothe her concerns, Yoongi put a stray lock of black hair behind her ear.


He couldn't stop the grin when he heard her laugh out of the sheer awkwardness of their situation. God, there was nothing more beautiful than her when she laughed.

"Have you eaten yet, Oppa?"

He shook his head, the response she was unfortunately expecting, before she took ahold of his hand and pulled him into their favorite café, intertwining their fingers. They both think that their hands fit perfectly in each other. He focused on the feel of her touch and the warmth she gave when they stood beside each other, knowing that she was ordering but saying nothing. He's going to miss this.

When they took their usual table, the fact that he was leaving in a bit both left them silent. Silence was a constant in their relationship which they cherished but this one was suffocating. The black-haired woman changed her gaze to stare at the passerby from the window, unknowing that he was committing every piece of her into his memory.

"We're not going to end this here, are we?"

His eyes widened as she forced herself to look at him, pain and sadness evident in those eyes he loved. A small voice in the back of her head always whispered those damned words to her but now was probably the best time to confirm or deny her doubts.

Yoongi could have given her the world and she'd still be insecure but he doesn't mind repeating it. He gently reaches for her hand and holds it in his, running his thumb over the back of her hand soothingly.

"Jagiya, this distance thing won't change anything for me. I don't want to let this end."

There would've been a time when she'd be comforted by his words but the worry and the hurt was just too much to keep in her system. "We barely see each other anymore, oppa. You have music and I have my studies. Do you really think we can make this work?"

Knowing that he was the cause of his girlfriend's anguish disheartened him and yet he kept his gentle smile. "That hasn't stopped us from making time for each other for the past 2 years and counting." And then a sense of dread came over him when he realized why she might be bringing this up. "Or are you changing your mind, Soo?"

She hated herself for wiping that smile of his face, hated that she was insecure and doubted him. She hopes he doesn't think that she's hesitating when she takes a deep breath and squeezes his hands.

"You're the best thing in my life, Yoongi-oppa. I'm not letting you go easily."

If he was going to be honest, he was still hurt by the mention of 'breaking up' but seeing her smile was enough. Their time was limited so he has to just take all of it.

"I want to kiss you." He says cutely, not a fan of aegyo but for Jisoo's sake, he'll do anything.

His girlfriend giggled. "I'd let you but the food's getting cold."

The blond muttered under his breath about her not humoring him and yet he ate all the same. The tension between the two seemed to vanish as their comfortable silence returned. The few times it was broken, it was by him feeding her spoonfuls of food.

It almost returned to what it was months ago, their hands intertwined, shoulders brushing and small smiles on their faces as they walked around and made fun of every single thing they could, i.e. 'The lady's hair look like dog shit.' 'Yoongi!' 'It's the truth, Jisoo!'

When his eyes flickered to his watch, he wished that he didn't have to leave. 5 hours left before the flight, and knowing Jisoo, she'd drive him to the airport herself 3 hours early. Picking up on his downcast mood, Jisoo inquired about it. When the words left her lips, she remembered and she held him tighter. His girlfriend had always been a strong girl but he swears his heart broke when she did.

She'd push him to be better, encourage him when he lost his way and even if she knew that there would be less opportunities to see her, she'd still do it.

It doesn't mean that she liked it.

"It's time."


There's a different intensity to this kiss compared to others, the black-haired girl notes amusedly. It was a bit out of character of him to park the car at an empty lot and pin her on her seat but she's not complaining. He can be delayed for a couple of minutes, can't he? He still has 2 hours left.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much." Yoongi says breathlessly, resting his forehead against hers when they've parted.

Jisoo chuckles though it sounds more like a breath from the lack of it, tracing patterns into the back of his neck. "Come back home to me, okay?" then she pauses. "Consider that an order."

The blond perks up at her words, knowing that she'll be waiting for him. It won't be long, a year and a half won't be long because God he's waited for her all his life.

She pokes him on the nose, fond smile on her face. "Did you hear me, Min?"

"Yes, Mrs. Min."

A lovely blush spreads on her cheeks, something he doesn't notice because she presses her lips to his and urge him to start driving again. "You're going to be late."

"So you're making me leave soon? I think you just want me to leave." He jokes when he starts the engine again. Reluctant he may be but they know it's for the better.

"The sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back to me." Jisoo says softly, smile widening when he looks at her softly. She couldn't resist chuckling when he laughed at her wearing a face mask to hide her bruised lips.

The remaining drive was silent and heavy, as they knew they had to part soon. They both know the plan, could wait for each other but it didn't make the separation anymore bearable.

A sigh left her lips when they finally reached the airport, watching him take out all of his bags before getting out of the passenger's seat.

"I can't really stand long goodbyes." Yoongi admitted sadly, looking over his shoulder to check the clock near the door. When he returned to look at her, Jisoo cupped his cheek and pressed her lips to his.

"Be safe and come back to me."

"I will."

Another kiss. "I love you, Sugar."

A gummy smile. "I love you too, Freak."

I'll be posting the previous chapters and editing shortly. It's been too long, no?

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now