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(3 years ago)

This was their first serious fight.

She can't remember why (but why does the firing of a gun ring in her ears?) but she can remember the red mark her hand left on his cheek, him swearing and the soreness in her throat and eyes as she left his place. Seokjin knew this was their worst fight and did his best to console her yet she had refused to leave her room which had become a pigsty.

Three days had passed since that argument and they've yet to talk. While she pretends to not notice, she hears her brothers talking worriedly about her. They say nothing when they see how weary and exhausted she was.

"Out." Seokjin said, making Jisoo look up as she left the bathroom.


"Go out and take a walk; hell, empty the credit card if you need to. Just don't come home until you're better."

Jisoo scoffs, glowering at her brothers who make an obvious effort to avoid her gaze. Eventually backing down, she trudged to her room and thought of where to go.


The black-haired woman was sitting on a bench, petite fingers around an almost finished cup of hot chocolate as she looked at the passerby. It takes her a while before realizing this is what Seokjin wants her to see: people going on with their lives. This leaves her deep in thought as she observes.

Her phone has vibrated more than once in the past 2 hours that she left the house yet she didn't care. She needed normalcy. Or at least a semblance of it.

Barking made her lose her train of thought. Jisoo craned her neck to the direction of the barking.

Why is it that her heart beats faster and the warmth spreads to her chest even if she knows she should be upset with him? Why did she even hurt him? Why has it taken her this long to apologize to the man with the gummy smile who was feeding a stray?

She wants to go to him more than anything else but she's just started to get a grip on herself. No, Jisoo was just a coward who was afraid of confrontation and rejection. The woman hesitated before taking her things and vacating the area.

The sound of quickly approaching footsteps follow behind her and she's a second away from breaking into a run.

Familiar arms wrap around her torso firmly so as to not let her flee. She stays still when he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck. She missed that.

"Soo, let's talk."

Jisoo wants nothing more than to put this behind them and break down in his arms but she wants to hear what he says. God knows she missed hearing his voice. A million things ran through her mind but the words died in her tongue.

She wants to chastise herself when she hears how awful she sounds and he wants nothing more than to hold her and make sure she never has to feel this way again.


"I'm sorry, I don't remember what we fought about but can we not fight anymore? I miss you." The man places a kiss on the top of her head. "I miss you so damn much."

His girlfriend thought her tear ducts were already incapable of producing tears yet a fresh batch was already threatening to fall at his words. The way her shoulders shook made him anxious and while Yoongi was starting to internally panic, Jisoo spun around and clung unto him for dear life. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck while she buried her face in his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have hit you." Tears were staining his shirt but he couldn't care, now that they were finally reconciling. His arms around her torso pulled her closer, if that was possible.

Jisoo looks up, love in her eyes even as the tears spill. "I love you, oppa."

His lips widen in a smile before placing a kiss on the top of her head. "I love you too, Jisoo."

The man shifts his head a bit to the right, smiling gratefully to the Kim brothers who were smiling at them. Slowly, they turn and start leaving.

"Let's go for dinner, I missed you."

"We'll go when you look a bit more decent." He says, tapping her eyelids. She pouts at this.

"I don't look decent?"

Her boyfriend could only chuckle while turning to make it into a side hug. "You always look like a goddess to me, but not everyone's going to understand why you're looking like you cried a river."

The woman doesn't even try to playfully hit him like she usually did, instead she just held unto him tighter as he started leading them away. From her bag, she could feel her phone vibrating from a call. Jisoo pursed her lips and decided to ignore it.

Unregistered number is calling...



It's been a year since the whole logging out fiasco and I'm so sorry that I haven't finished nor been updating as much as I should. I want to finish this book so please bear with me. Happy Anniversary to this account and to this story, hang on! ❤️❤️❤️ I want to thank each and everyone that was patient and went from the book to here. We'll finish but once we do, I hope we'll still be infinite.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now