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2 Days Later

"You look better." The black-haired man admits bluntly to the confused girl who's still holding unto his arm. There's a lump growing in his throat at the sight of the girl he's loved for so long that he tries to ignore because everything's so disorienting and different from before.

"Why are you here in Italy?"

A thousand swears swim in his head in disbelief at the question. There are so many other pressing matters to solve and she asks him this.

Still unable to lie to her even after all the heartache, Yoongi answers before checking behind his shoulder and pulling her in the suite. "Business transaction with the Machiavelli family."

His clenched jaw fills her in on what he was planning to do, yet she doesn't comment on it. The anxiety in his eyes was all too evident to her.

Before any words were exchanged, Taehyung strolls in the room lackadiasically, handgun in hand. When he registers the fact that Yoongi and Jisoo were alone in the suite, he immediately shows himself the door with thoughts to go to the Eldest Kim.

The ex-couple share a glance before Jisoo attempts to run after him but is halted by the tight grip on her wrist. "Tae!"

"No, let him be. You owe me an explanation."

Jisoo's face turns cold as she breaks free from his grip. "I owe nothing of the sort. We had a very clear agreement in our separation, Min."

When he exasperatedly pushes his hair back with a hand, the red-haired girl sits on the bed.

"I left Korea 2 years ago to settle some things with my parents," He pinches the bridge of his nose. "You know that much. We kept the relationship going for a few more months before it all went to shit and then what did you do?"

His ex-girlfriend bit back a snarl though a scowl was etched deep in her features, wanting to claw at him but she stays quiet out of habit.

"I told you everything, didn't I?"

Jisoo stays silent.

"I warned you. You told me you'd wait and that you'll always understand and what. did. you. do?"

Still feeling his sharp gaze on her, she licks her dry lips, wanting to shrink. "Are you done yet?"

A part of him is rational and knows getting mad won't get anything done but goddamnit it's been 2 years and he just wants closure at this point. "We keep fighting during Christmas and I flew back to make things clear but what do I see? You were gone. You left everything behind, even your brothers only knew the bare minimum of the ordeal. Don't you know how fucking insane you made me?"

Her eyes, hard yet now sparkling with tears, meet his. "That was 2 years ago."

"Exactly. We wouldn't need this talk if you didn't do a disappearing act on me! If you didn't run like a fucking coward--"

"Then maybe I am!" Jisoo snaps. "I was so scared, of disappointing everyone, of losing you! Don't you know how hard it was for me to leave? It was easier than staying and feeling your absence. We made it clear," her voice cracks, the only sign he gets that it really affected her. "We weren't enough for each other anymore and I already moved on."

Silence engulfed the room after the last word and they broke the mutual glare. The silence is broken by his sardonic chuckle.

"Well, did you?"

This question always haunted Jisoo, and now that he's actually asking her, all her practiced answers were thrown out the window.

"What do you think?"

It was a weak reply, admittedly, but it was better than admitting it in her silence. Everyone knew they brought out the best and worst in each other, they'd probably drive each other insane but right now, this interaction seems numb. This meeting was not what they were anticipating, not the hateful argument nor the emotional reconciliation.


The ex-couple look somberly at the two brothers who rushed in the room, bewildered at the situation. Yoongi manages to smile at Jisoo, a little strained but manages to speak.

"I was just about to ask Jisoo to dinner, would you mind joining us?"

It took her only one shared glance to play along, smiling and standing from her seat. "I've always wanted to try real Italian gelato and pasta."

Seokjin smiled warmly at the man, genuinely but he had to defuse the situation. "Of course we'd join you, but Jisoo dear," His eyes went demanding, giving her a chance to leave. "Do you want to?"

The woman gave him a smile, nodding even though she wanted to say the opposite. Taehyung watched the exchange and sheepishly remarked with "I'm feeling a little sick." Hoping that it could excuse him from the dinner he so dreaded.

The older Kim, determined to protect his sister, patted his shoulder. "Then Italy's fresh air will help you recover, let's go?"

The black-haired man extends a hand to the redhead who takes it out of habit as they lead them out, the two Kims trying to comprehend the situation.

"Just what the fuck is going on?"

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now