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[Several Days Earlier]

Rosé had politely declined Jisoo's invitation to flying yoga and the older girl didn't want to trouble Lisa so she opted to go alone though the three would be meeting for lunch after her session. Now, with her hair tied in a high pony, wearing yoga pants and comfortable clothes and inside the room of other people, she's slightly nervous. It's been years since she's attempted to do yoga, much less flying yoga but she has the confidence that she can do it again. After all, brainwash a bird and it will remember to fly, wouldn't it?

A notification popped up on her phone, and so she looked at it.

🐘 Lisa 🐘: UNNIE~~~ 🌹 is picking on me!

CRAZYUNNIE: You can handle yourself.

🐘 Lisa 🐘: What happened to my supportive sister-in-law?

CRAZYUNNIE: She dieded. Gtg, Lalice, I want to stretch a bit before we start.

🐘 Lisa 🐘: Jichu-unnie, fighting!

After Jisoo was sure her belongings were safe, her eyes swept the room of unfamiliar faces, except for one. The police officer had just finished her stretching and was too busy on her phone to notice the newly-arrived red-head. A silent debate started on the older girl's head on whether she should talk to the girl because she seemed so damned familiar that it was frustrating. But as if in cue, the instructor arrived and their session was about to start.

It hasn't even been 25 minutes when a dull ache sets in Jisoo's limbs, still adapting to the workout but it comes to her body fluidly, recalling her old lessons. The teacher had come to her twice to slightly adjust her position but other than that, she was doing great. She's snuck several discreet glances at Jennie's direction, and the younger girl seems more experienced at this than she is. For some reason, it motivates the red-haired girl to do even better.

After the session ended, her body is strained but at least she's done some exercise. There's an ache in her limbs that urges her to hurry home and sleep it off. Looking over her shoulder to see the brunette still there and proceeding to think 'Screw it', Jisoo approaches her.

"Hi. My name's Kim Jisoo and I can't help but think you're familiar."

Jennie has never felt so shokt in her entire life than now because Jisoo, the girl she's heard countless times now is right in front of her with a bright smile. Freezing up wasn't the officer's usual reaction to situations similar to this but it's been too long to remember what to do when it happens. If only he was here...

"Jung Jennie, would you mind joining me for lunch?"


The oldest girl present is a little surpised by the question, her eyes almost comically bulging out that Lisa and Rosé can't help but snicker while the officer is flushing a bit but still looking in her eyes. She tells herself to not be abashed by it; she certainly has all rights to know.

"Me, oppa, Hose--- what?" It takes her a few seconds to form a coherent response but she's calm in explaining. She places a hand on Jennie's arm and smiles softly, knowing that touching would quickly form rapport and calm the younger girl down just enough to listen to the whole explanation. "Oppa and I have never been an item, Jennie-ssi. I guess it's just that he's always around my brothers and that I probably grew on him," then she lost the smile, now thinking of all the other instances that she's indirectly taken too much of their time. "I'm so sorry you didn't have time with him, I never knew."

The younger girl looks into her eyes, trying to see if she really was genuine, if there was even a single gleam that could prove otherwise but when she found none in those chocolate brown orbs, she sighed and patted the hand on her arm. And yet, it still stung when she heard Jisoo's last line. So Hoseok never told her.

"I... I didn't have a choice in marrying him, okay?" She's never told anyone about this part of their marriage; Jennie had to lie with a smile and said that it was just young love that eventually faded. "He was just so charming that I couldn't help but be scared that he was just all looks. He's the last thing my parents ever wished for me to have."

Immediately, the girls chorus condolences and knew that at some point of their lives, it was required for them to do something out of their comfort zone. The topic is quickly changed but it is still burning in the back of their minds. While she was a Kim, Jisoo would never be safe and that was the blatant truth when they heard a gunshot and the cracking of glass near them. The bullet burrowed into the wall just inches away from her head and as she calmly directed the girls to safety, she looked over her shoulder to see who fired the shot.

Her heart dropped when she saw who it was, but she had no time to question why.

But why did it have to be him?

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora