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Jisoo never really took the time to memorize brands or designer clothes since she was busy drilling medical jargons into her skull while wolfing down 3 espresso shots at three am in the morning and learning how to use every piece of equipment properly. Sure, she could tell the difference between a real and a fake of Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci or Hermes but it never crossed her mind that she'd be memorizing guns out of all things.

The black-haired woman nearly jumps out of her skin when she feels arms wrap around her torso from behind while a chin rests on her shoulder. She looks and sees Taehyung with his infamous box smile. She returns it, albeit weakly, before returning to gaze at the collection of weaponry mounted on the walls and placed on glass containers. He follows her look and gives her a comforting squeeze.

"Need some help, noona?"

A sigh leaves her lips as she looks at him once more, eyes turning cold and steely. "Be honest with me, Taetae." He doesn't like the look she's giving him, and it seemed to escape his mind that she was capable of giving 'the Kim look' to her own brother. "How long have you and Jin-oppa been in the business?"

The brown-haired man frowns, thinking of whether he should let her go. "Do you really want the truth?" It's obvious in his tone that he only wants to protect her but she needs to know this much.

Jisoo nods.

There's her brother's guilty look. "4 years ago, a few months before umma and appa died."

Her jaw goes ajar at the answer. It's been that long? She thought they only started sometime near her departure from Korea.

What else could they have hidden from her?

Taehyung sighs before holding her closer, his heart stinging when she looks away. Surely, he should've known better than for her to take it all in stride. His sister had been taking this whole illegal business with surprising grace.

Before he was dragged into this mess, Taehyung thought about being a teacher. He admired his own teachers' strength and determination to teach their pupils. Teaching was a rather underrated profession but he loved every bit of it. Maybe he'd teach Mathematics or History but that dream died when his parents left him and Jin a crime syndicate and the family business to manage. He couldn't just leave his older brother to handle it alone and didn't Jin have the right to have a choice in the matter?

No matter the answer, they're already down the road. They might as well finish it.

"Noona," The youngest Kim said softly. "I know you're a doctor and you have to save lives, no matter who they are but sometimes, it's just better to pull the trigger."

Jisoo glances at him from the corner of her eye; who was she to say who lives and who dies? Her job was to prolong a life, but her blood and name was meant to end it? Why couldn't her parents just been normal people and done normal, legal things?

She has so many questions, most of them already have repeated once or twice. Her brothers were confined to this fate and she can't judge them like she can't change the blood they shared in their veins. And then she nods.

A faint smile is on her brother's lips, a sad and tiring look on his face. She adapts well; a necessity in the business.

"You're not going to let me take the Hippocratic Oath, aren't you?"

The answer was as plain as day on his face, and she could only accept it. It was a fucking mess, but at least they told her what was happening.

"Have you chosen yet?" Taehyung asks innocently. If anyone was eavesdropping on them now, they'd probably think he was inquiring on her choice of jewelry or clothing, not a gun.

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now