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[3 years ago]

Her fingers were slightly shaking when she tried to clasp the diamond earrings on her ear but failed to do so. Taking pity on her, Hoseok gestured for him to take the earring and helped her put it on as well as the necklace he had bought her. With a shaky breath, the brunette thanked him making him smile wide. This wasn't their first time to attend a public event as a couple and yet she's still afraid of doing something wrong.

"You're too pretty to be nervous." He said fondly and when he saw Jennie about to refute that, he kissed her temple. "I'm being honest and that's an understatement; you look beautiful."

"I'm just not used to this..." her voice trailed off. "I'm sorry you have to bear with me."

He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, looking at the brown haired girl. It wasn't her looks that made him look at her like that; it was how she held herself and how brightly she shone. It was in the way her eyes turned into crescents whenever he brought home milk-flavored ice cream; how confident she was whenever she wore a stylish outfit; how utterly kind and polite she was from the start even when Jennie pieced that he was on the opposite side of the legal spectrum as her. He felt a strong urge to protect her and as her husband, he was going to make sure he did. No matter what the cost.

Jennie's a bit startled when he inched a bit closer and wrapped his arms around her petite frame. For a second, she wonders why before reciprocating the gesture. Hugging him had always been a comfort to her despite it being a seldom occurrence.

"There's nothing to apologize for, Jennie-ah." Hoseok says softly against her hair. "It's okay to be confused. I'll stay with you until you get a firm grip on this whole mess. You trust me, don't you?"

The woman remembers her vows, hears them echoing in her head as she repeats it out loud. "I will trust you with my whole life."

This makes him chuckle again before kissing the top of her head again. Although not wanting to, the black-haired man lets go of her and offers her his arm. Gaining her confidence again, his wife loops her arm with his and rests her hand on the crook of his arm. Jennie's alarm for the event reminded them that they were going to be late if they stalled for another moment.

He smiled teasingly down at her. "Ready to show all of them who's boss?"

"Fighting." Jennie replies, a confident smile on her face because she knows, as long as Hobi's by her side, she could do anything.


{Also 3 years earlier}

Jisoo pursed her lips when she spotted an object she easily recognized as a gun. There was no use commenting on it since it was Yoongi's brother's livelihood and it was better to just turn a blind eye to it. She couldn't have it in her conscience to report Youngwon anyway, especially after how he admitted to her that he was glad that his little brother finally opened up to him and got better with her help.

Noticing his girlfriend's discomfort, the platinum blond looked for the source of it and his stare turned blank. No matter how well his family hid it, Yoongi always knew there was something questionable about their wealth. It was damning whenever his brother went home with serious injuries and their mother, god bless her soul, didn't even ask a single question but only calmly accepted it. Although he wouldn't admit it, he was the sort of man who would think far into the future and seeing that he wanted Jisoo in it, safe and sound with their future family, he made it a rule to not follow in their footsteps.

"Are you both staying for dinner?" Mama Min asked kindly.

Her son shook his head and intertwined his hands with Jisoo's, waving her goodbye with it. "I'll be returning her back to her family."

"Be careful then."

"Thank you, Mrs. Min!" Jisoo called over her shoulder when he started to lead her out of the house. He got a call from Seokjin earlier to keep her out of the house, cover for him since he had some important business to do. He doesn't bother to ask anymore; the only time he did, he was the reason Jin got shot in the shoulder.

When he passed the route to her house, the black-haired girl immediately started asking questions to which he merely smiled and kept his mouth shut. Soon enough when she was tired with questions, Jisoo started balancing things on her head and shoulders again.

"It's been 2 weeks since our last date," Yoongi reminds her. "I just wanted to show you something I stumbled upon when I was writing 'Best of Me'." [I'm pretty sure he didn't write the song but it was pretty, okay?]

The smile on her face was soft and extremely touched. She loved the song and how passionate he was when he was doing it. Everytime he did something he loved, Jisoo just seemed to keep falling deeper and deeper in love with the man. Soon, the buildings got sparser until she could barely see any, and then, she saw the white sand.

While she marveled at the beauty of it all, Yoongi parked the car and opened her door for her. He helped her out and didn't let go as they walked the entirety of the beach while they just talked of anything and everything that came into mind.

It was one of those moments when he realized that this was why he wanted to marry her, the moments he knew they wouldn't forget. In the grand scheme of things, it's the small things that take up to most space in your heart. They forgot anniversaries, academic requirements and whatnot but they were too busy remembering the important things like why they fell in love in the first place.

"I want to get married in this beach." Jisoo commented, a soft smile on her features as she crouched down to catch a fistful of sand and watch it slip through her fingers.

"On a nice Spring day?" Yoongi asks, amused while she keeps doing it. She washed her hands on the water and wrote something hidden from his view. When she was done, Jisoo pulled him away after kissing him.

"Then will you promise that you'll stay until spring day?"

He laughs before kissing her soft lips again, the wind blowing their hair and their hearts overflowing with love. "I'll always stay."

Yoongi never did get to see what she wrote on the beach that day, and it slipped his mind. Jisoo would forget about the exact words too, but her message would not.

'When we come back, we'll do so with matching rings and a pair of baby sneakers in between'.

{Author's Note:

Just thought you guys needed something fluffy before I get dramatic again}

I Thought We Were Infinite Continued [BlackTan]Where stories live. Discover now