Chapter 2

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The next couple of days went by quickly, in a blur of blue. Zuko was busy with trying to get the ship to go faster, Iroh tried to reason with him, and me, I dreamed. I dreamed of seeing the Avatar in real life, even if he would be really old. I had so many questions for him, about bending, the spirit world, why he allowed the Fire nation to attack. I also dreamed of running. Getting free from Zuko and teh fire nation. Freedom.

But until then I busied my self with burning Zuko's food. The first time was a mistake, but the time and time afterwards was not...and he didn't notice. And trying to work on my water bending, which was weak. Really weak. I had a scroll, a single scroll and I wanted to make a whip. I was failing, as I always did. I tried a few more times before I let the water drop, and I let out a little mad scream.  

"Water bending is a horrible bend. I don't know who would want to learn it!."  

I sighed, picking up the scroll. I was lying to myself, as if it could fix the years of hurt within.

Suddenly there was a big band, and I was pulled from my self pity as something to my upper right lit up. I jumped at the sound, and dropped the scroll. I scrambled to pick it up, and tucked it into my pocket.

Suddenly I heard Zuko screaming to get the ship moving. I rolled my eyes, and walked to the edge of the tip of the ship. In the distance I saw a tiny black dot.

What would be out here in the middle of no where? Wait, could it be- no- maybe...Southern Water Tribe?  

I suddenly got a chill down my spine, and I wrapped my red and white long sleeve robe around myself tighter.


I couldn't help myself, I couldn't contain myself. I was out on the deck the second I heard we had made it to the water tribe. My happiness was soon turned sour, though; as my hopes were dashed.

It was a dinky little tribe. It was nothing grand, with dumb little igloos, and one crazy teen boy dressed with funky make up on. A fighter. The only one by the looks of it.  

I shook my head, my eyes scanning the too old and too young.  

"You've got to be kidding me."  

"No, the Avatar is here some where."

Zuko pushed by me, and I tripped forward. I glared at him. but he didn't notice. I let out a sigh, and rolled my eyes.  

He's lost it. He has finally gone mad.  

I bit my bottom lip as I looked at the crowd. There was no way the Avatar was here. Then again, it was just dinky enough that he could be. This dinky little tribe is the prefect place to hide from the fire nation. Really it's prefect spot! Zuko grabbed an old lady saying something, and letting her go. I smiled, and brightened up; lost in my thoughts. The Avatar was a smart man.

I was tossed from my train of thought as a kid came though the crowd claiming he was the Avatar. I bit my lip, half from laughter, the other half from rage. Who did this kid think he is? Suddenly Zuko was grabbing him, and a girl was screaming at the boy, as she fought her way through the crowd.  

He must be joking. He can't- just no.

I met up with Zuko as he bored the ship.  I walked along with him, as he pushed the boy along.

"Zuko, you cant be serious."  

"I am, this is the Avatar."  

I looked down at the kid. He looked to be about 11 or 12. He had a clean shaved head, with a blue arrow on top of it. His clothing was nothing I'd ever seen before.

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