Chapter 37

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My heart pounded in my ears, as I threw a few rolls into a small sack, along with an extra dress. My plan was to fly out on Fang, chill out in a cave somewhere, and then fly back once I was sure he was gone.  There was a pounding out my door, and a male voice calling for me to open up. My head shot up, as I glanced at the only thing keeping me and Zuko apart. A simple wooden door.

Thinking fast, I ran to my back room. I quietly bended away a piece of my earth floor. It was the only room in the whole house with no "real" flooring. So it was only natural I placed my secret, and only, entrance to my basement there.

I quickly flew down the stairs, my feet paddling quietly, as I heard more pounding on the front door. My heart was pounding as I quickly closed the secret door, closing myself into darkness. I bended a small ball of fire, and sent it flying. It lit a few candles handing off the walls. As quietly as I could, I looked for my escape pack. It was something I just had to have ready, even now, after all these years I’m sill paranoid about having to leave once more. Though it didn't hold everything I wished it would, but it would have to do. I found it hidden in a corner, next to my forgotten staff. I grabbed my staff and the bag. I held it, and opened it, checking what I had hidden inside. I threw my extra sack in as I checked off a mental list. 

Food, water pouch, under clothes, no shoes…crude…mother's comb, the golden hair disk. 

I forgot I had the disk, after so many years. Akio sent it to me with a note.

Dear Amaya,

I want you to have this. It always was, and always will be yours. I hope you get everything you wish for in life. Aang says he’ll be able to get this note to you, so please do not send it back.


I had kept in touch with Aang, Katara, and Toph.  We sent letters through Hawkie, who was currently out sending a letter to Katara.

I gasped, as a loud bang came from upstairs. I froze as I heard the sound of footsteps above me, I then realized I wouldn't have time to go back and get the picture of my mother and I, or my mother's box. I rolled my lips, closing my eyes for a second in anger.  I guess her comb and anklet would have to do. I heard a muffle of voices from above me. My heart pounded in my ears as I earth bended another secret door open. I grabbed a lit candle, and blew the rest out with a bend of air. I tossed my bag’s strap over my shoulder, and headed into the secret, dark, cold tunnel. 

When I built my house, being my whole past, I made sure to build a secret room, with and escape route if needed. And if they people who were in my house had an earth bender, it would only be so long until they found at least my secret room.  But it didn’t matter. It still gave me the chance I needed, even if it was only a few minutes, to get away. Or a head start at the least.

The one bad thing was that tunnel lead me not only away from my house, but away from Fang. I would have to trace my way back over to his secret Cave. That I made for him, no less. It had taken me a while, but I had found the most perfect hill to make him a place to sleep, but still be close to me.

I came out from my secret it tunnel, fighting my way through a bush before I was met with simple long grass. I picked up my skirt, and ran. My pack bounced against my back, and stones dug into my barefeet. With everything going on I had forgotten to put shoes one. I picked up my pace once I saw Fang’s hill. Climbing over the hill, I rushed to Fang's cave.  He was laying in the cool darkness when I rushed in. I dropped my sack.

"Fang. Fang, come on boy."

He lifted his head, and then stood. I sighed, as I grabbed his saddle from the hooks on the wall. I stuck my bag into it, stuffing it down quickly. I was placing it on his back, when he let out a growl. I was tightening the strap when a voice came out.

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