Chapter 8

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"Yes Amaya?" 

"When- how- did you get your hair to turn that funny blue color?" 

Katara rolled her eyes, turning away from the two as she let out a cough. Both Sokka and Amaya were sick with some sort of disease. And she, herself, wasn’t doing so well either. So far, Sokka thought he was an Earthbender and Amaya was seeing the rainbow. 

"I'm an Earthbender! Move it you rock!"

“It’s purple!”

Amaya had joined them just as they had passed though the storm's eye, and she hadn’t doing so well at that time. She must have been sick for days before getting the power to join them, and doing that small bit had pushed her back. It was miracle in Katara’s eyes that they had gotten lost in the storm while trying to find her and she ended up landing in their hand- literally.

"Here, Amaya, drink this." 

She held the water up to her lips; nothing. Katara bent over as she fell into another coughing spell. 

"Oh Katara! Ahahahaha! You're so funny!" 

"Sokka hush." 

"Don't worry Kat, I'll-I'll-I’ll-amhama."

Katara looked back at Maya, who was passed out with a loud snore. Rubbing her eyes, she leaned back on Appa.

Well, I'll just lay down for just a while… and rest my eyes abit. 

She hoped that Aang would be back soon. 


I leaned up against the rail of the boat, with the feeling of losing my lunch swirling in my stomach. Gripping the rail, I leaned over. I couldn't wait until we reached land again. A small breeze hit my face, and I felt my lunch rising. As I stood at the rail, loosing what little I had eaten, behind me was a 13 year old Zuko, training. It had only been a few months since his father had....banished him. During that time, he let nothing stop him. If the sea affected him, he didn’t show it, unlike me. Unfortunately, as much as I wished to, I couldn’t hide my near daily trips to the ship’s railing.

After a few dry heaves, I was finally able to bring myself to look back at him, seeing his left side- seeing his scar, was still so pink- so new. I looked away as another wave hit me, and I coughed out air. As his training ended, I looked back and noticed he was limping back to his room. Feeling better with an empty stomach, I followed him, stopping short of his cracked door. He removed his pants, wearing shorts now, and showing a huge burn on his left leg. 

Knock, Knock 


I opened his door, but kept my gaze down.

"I can heal that." 

I pointed to his leg, which was now hidden under a robe. He took a seat, and flinched slightly.

"I'm fine." 

"I'm not dumb, Prince Zuko. I know you're hurt, and I can help." 


"They were trying to teach me water bending before ... I had to leave. It's taught in the North that female benders learn to heal. So they started to teach me… I don’t know much, and I can’t promise that it will work, but I can still try."

Taking a chance, I glanced up to him. I fought my gaze to keep to his right side, and not his scar.

"Oh, well, okay, I guess so." 

A Moment, Please.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant