Chapter 29

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"Okay… ready… one, two...three."

Separately, Aang, Zuko, and I each practiced a different fire bending move. Together, though, we created art.  It was a beautiful show of fire, and its rare beauty. We each had our own part and together it came together in a spectacular.

"Zuko, are you sure it's safe for us to be here?"

I turned to Aang, and he faced me, as we continued to practice Zuko went over, and talked to Katara. As our little show ended, we began to practice the Dancing Dragon. We circled each other, as Zuko bent down to Toph, talking to her. My eyes never left Aang’s, as we twirled around, out feet moving smooth like the ocean.

"Don't worry; this is the last place my father would ever look."

Aang and I ended up facing each other, left arms reaching up, touching each other. We went a blast of fire up into the air. I let my right hand, which had been in a fist under my left arm, fall. I stepped back, pulling my arms back. We both had slight, labor breathing, but I still smiled at him.  I wiped the thin sweat that had broken out on my forehead away, giving him a side hug.

"That was great, Aang. Really, awesome"

"Thanks Maya, you were good too."

I headed over to Katara, and grabbed a cup of watermelon juice. As I sat on the steps, I took a nice long sip. The watery sweetness rolled down the back of my throat, and was beyond refreshing.  I had taken my seat in between Toph, and Zuko, leaning back Sokka and Suki were coming into the court yard, back from their journey into town.


"Hey guys, look what we found!"

Sokka then pushed a rather large poster in my face. I pushed it away, glaring at him, but looking at it. My eyebrows scrunched together as I read over the poster. Shaking my head, I held my cup up to my lips.

"Sound stupid."

I took another sip of my juice, and took a closer look at the poster. They made me half of my face shadowed.  The half the light shined on, was pretty, and the other half was ugly. I think, it was darken to something barely noticeable. I still tipped my head, unpleased.

"Oh come it'll be fun."

I swung my head towards Sokka, raising an eyebrow.  

"I agree with Amaya. They always do the same play, with the same actors. All who are awful."

I snorted a laugh out, smiling. I couldn’t believe Zuko and I were one the same page.


Somehow, though, Sokka convinced us to see it. So we made our way into town, fully decked out in Fire nation garbs- not that I minded too much. The new dress I… borrowed… hugged me like a glove and was so soft.

We sat high from the stage, where we could hide in the darkness, but still enjoy the play in a way.

As we moved to take our seats, I saw Aang going to sit next to Kat, but Zuko sat next to her. Then I was going to sit down, but Aang sat down. So I was left next to Aang, slightly annoyed that I wasn’t right next to Zuko...

Ugh, I’m getting clingy- wrong move- wrong move!

As the first act started, the crowd hushing as the lights hit the actors; it shocked me to see an ugly fat girl playing an overly-emotional Katara. Then the man playing Sokka cracked horrible jokes, quite well may I add, and they were all about food. 

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