Chapter 11

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"…And for Amaya, this."

I gasped at the sight. Held in Pakku's hands was the most delicate, most dainty, feminine looking sliver bracelet I’d ever seen. On s closer inspection, I realized it bared the Royal Northern Water Tribe Family's crest engraved in a shiny blue. I took it, and held the thick bracelet. I watched my hands close around it, before looking up to Pakku, slightly confused.

"But- why- why me?" 

"Yue wanted you to have it, or so her father said so- said she came to him in a dream." 

I looked back down at the bracelet, tears forming in my eyes. I blinked them away, and swallowed the lump foaming in my throat. I looked back to Pakku, sniffing up the snot that threatened to run from my nose.

"Thank you." 

Slipping it on my wrist, it fit perfectly to my wrist. Stepping back, I straightened the belt on my natural waist, as everyone said their final goodbyes. I joined them, gleaming in my new water tribe dress. It was another wonderful gift I had gotten. With a long, blue body, and short, white fur capped sleeves and trim- it fit my style perfectly. The best part of it all, was that it was cool and breezy yet could keep me warm. I more than willingly ditched my fire nation attire for the soothing blue water tribe dress.


As we took off on Appa, I sat, silent. I still didn't like flying. In my silence, it gave me the time to finally just stop and think to myself- as I offended did to remove the thought of being- who knows how high, in the sky. Adding the days, and doing to math, I realized with a sinking pit what day it was.

"Amaya? Are you okay?" 

I over at Katara, and gave a weak smile and head nod.

"Oh-um yeah, yeah. I’m perfectly peachy... Why do you ask?" 

"You don't look so well. Do you feel okay?" 

Looking away, I took a moment to think. Turning back to Katara, I sighed and slowly shook my head ‘no’. 


I looked away again, trying to blink back the tears that I hadn’t known were forming. 

"It's been ten years… on this day… that I lost my mother." 

I looked at Katara, the first few tears falling as I shook my head.

"I know I should be happy- ecstatic even… Finally mastering water- and in record time may I add… Now I’m going to the Earth kingdom to learn earth bending... I’m helping the stinkin avatar! I should be happy, pleased with myself… I’m trying... but I can't- I just can’t." 

I shook my head, and rested it against my knees as a small sob was pushed from my lips. Sitting back up, I now had a steady stream of tears running from my eyes. 

"And I don't know why!" 

Katara moved towards me, slowly at first, and gently hugged me. 

"It's just with everything that has happened, with Yue, and the- "


I glared at Sokka, as my tears finally stopped- or slowed down. Sokka sure did know how to ruin a moment. We had only known Yue for a few weeks, and while I mourned her sacrifice, there was no way Sokka loved her as he claimed.

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