Chapter 6

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"I think I'm finally getting the whole flying thing."

I smiled, as I fell back on to Appa. Rolling to my stomach, I stuck my head over the edge, and watched Appa's flying shadow against the green tree tops. Aang's voice brought my attention to where he sat at Appa's head-neck area? I guess that's what you'd call it.

"Hey, what's that?" 

Squinting my eyes, I saw what Aang was talking about as my gaze fell back down. The green forest top vanished, and was replaced by black. Like a scar in the middle of the woods.

"Appa, down." 

I grabbed ahold of Appa's hair, the  momentum pushing me back as we dove. We landed on the desolate ground; an eerie breeze blew slightly across the back soot.

"Who would do this?"

Aang, using air bending, jumped from Appa's neck, and landed on the burnt ground. Kicking my leg over the saddle, I slid down Appa's leg. I took a few steps forward, my eyes scanning the ground. It was clear who did it.

"Fire Nation." 

I bent down, and grabbed some of the burnt pieces, and dirt. Holding it between my thumb and fingers I rubbed them together. The soot soon blackened my fingers. With my other hand, I picked up what I thought was a rock. But with a few rubs, its true identity was known to me.

"This is all… my fault… It's my job as the Avatar to protect Nature." 

Katara stood next to Aang, holding a hand out to his shoulder.

"Don't worry Aang, the forest will grow back. Just look at all the acorns." 

I stood, releasing what was left of the dirt to fall to the ground.

"She's right Aang, just look." 

I opened my palm, there sat a small acorn. I had thought it was a rock, but with a little rub down it was clear that I held an acorn.

"See? One day all the trees will grow back, don't worry." 

I gave him a small smile, wishing he’d return it. He didn’t.

"Help! Oh great Avatar, help!" 

I jumped at the sound of the old man's voice. I had no clue who he was, how long he had been watching us, or where he came from.

"What's wrong?" 

"My village! It's being terrorized by a spirit, we call it Hei Bai. Please, you must save my home!" 

Aang nodded, stepping forward.

"I'll help as much as I can, please show me to your village." 

"This way." 

I wanted to protest. I was all for saving people, but we didn’t even know this man’s name or if the spirit he claimed to be destroying his village to be even real or not. Before I could say anything, they were all off, and I was forced to follow.


Coming into the Village, my stomach dropped, as all hope looked as if it should be lost. I felt bad for the thoughts I had, had before about the man. He spoke the plain horrific truth.

 The village was truly on it's last leg. Everything, buildings, homes; were destroyed. Things laid about, scattered. When the people saw of our arrive, we were quick to introduce ourselves. The rest of the day is spent getting to know the people of the village, which are all so kind. 

As mid day passed, my scar on my lower fore-arm started to throb, again. I looked down at the thin sliver line that started right under my wrist, and stopped right before my elbow, there it turned, and twisted it's way back up my arm. It was the only scar that I ever gotten that I wasn’t afraid to show off.

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