Chapter 12

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"No, way. Un-uh. I'm not going in that."

"Oh come one Maya, this is our only way in." 

I bent down and looked at the tunnel. My nose wrinkled up at the sight and smell of the gunk that oozed from it. Coming back up, I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"I don’t care! I'm not going in that."

Aang came up to me, giving me two large doe eyes.

"Remember it's for Bumi."


"Then, remember you’ve been learning about the Air Nomads- what they believe.”

I looked away, up; at the sky. I let out a groan as I rolled my eyes and stomped my feet. My arms fell to my side and hunched over in defeat.

"Oh-kay, but only because I’m trying to prove that I’m not a typical fire bender."

Straightening back up, I wrapped my old fire nation cloak around myself. The more I pulled, the tighter  it closed on my body; as I was the last to enter right after Katara.


"This is nasty."

"See! I was right! It's nasty, and gross, and UGH!"

I pulled my foot back and shook it in horror as it slipped into a gunk puddle.

"Sokka, Amaya hush!"

"Easy for you Kat, you've master water bending!"

"So have you Amaya."

"And it only took me dying for the ocean spirit, and have him give me some of his life- and you didn’t step in that gunk puddle back there it was-"

"-Will you all hush! You're going to get us caught."



I let out a soft whine as the sunlight hit my face and blinded me.

"Amaya, hush."

Blinking as my eyes adjusted, I let out a small scream.

"Sokka, you have a thing on your face!"

"WHAT! Get 'em off! Get 'em off!"

"Sokka relax, they're just purple pentapus. Harmless."

"Sure, but you're not the one who has them stuck to his face, Aang!" 

"Hey you kids!"

We all frozen, and stared at the guard who waved at us, and stared making his way over.

"Great Amaya, you had to scream!”

"ME!? You're the one running around like a little girl!"

He said nothing for a moment, his eyebrow raised.

"You have a point."

By that point the guard and his buddy had finally caught up to him. They look us over, pausing at Sokka.

"What are- hey- hey, look at his face!"

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